There is no perfect system for any tier level. Eden Era works generally well across the board, and following that logic has been my modus operandi, regardless of tier level. Since no rules were stated at the start, those are the default stipulations. Being able to simultaneously prep multiple actions without some rhyme or reason to keeping track of them is something I'd vehemently like to avoid. Time manipulation can also be used outside of prepping an action proper. Logic and reasoning are perfectly fine gauges, but to completely ignore rules and any form of restriction makes things muddy, as it already is beginning to. I'm not questioning the number of actions taken, because many actions are fine in a single post provided you cover your bases well. What I'm questioning is being able to 'prep' things simultaneously. So your buff that allows you to cast multiple spells at once is fine, but that would not translate to prepping all of those spells as well in a single turn.