So what I'm understanding is that there are little to no rules actually being enforced here? I naturally assumed T1 Eden was the [b]default[/b] ruleset, which is why I Continually quoted it since we hadn't established one of our own. Merely stating other places interpreted the rules in different ways doesn't strike me as a really convincing defense for not having any way of restricting actions. You say his actions don't 'neccessarily' constitute preps, but I can't find any conceivable reason why not if we are following the 'prep as many things as you want' logic. Do preps also not take a turn to mature, too? I have no way of knowing until it comes up. If T1 Eden wasn't at all factored in your decision from earlier, then I am very boggled by whatever system is actually in place for yor judging. I'm not really sure how I feel about continuing on a basis that allows for simultaneous prepping with little to no recourse. I have not been abiding by whatever system you two clearly have worked out, and to be honest, it is leading to a serious case of combat apathy. If we are supposed to be continuing under incredibly nebulous, vague rules (or lack thereof), then I will be backing out of this fight. I will post an 'exit post' for Crystal/Corban, since I hate leaving fights as voids. Edit: Regardless of what happens, I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the hiccups!