Phoenix nodded at the man, ignoring what the officers had said to him even though they had been a bit harsh on him for just breaking a shield. But he was glad he could help. "Of course, no problem." The mage said cheerfully. Before he could say anything or ask any questions there was a panicked shriek from nearby and a the emergency bell rang out in the distance. Phoenix, who as a mage could sense other mages, looked around quickly. There was someone powerful nearby, he could feel it. "Artemis, where is that coming from?" Artemis poked his nose out of Phoenix's shirt, when he smelled the rancid smell in the air he returned to his place. "Artemis c'mon this is important." The white ferret poked his whole head out and then slowly crawled out onto Phoenix's shoulder. "Which way is that mage?" Artemis looked left and looked right before crawling onto the opposite shoulder and pointing to the West with his nose. "Alright! Say old fellow, why don't you get indoors, something strange is going on, or maybe... you could come with me! You were the one who broke that shield in half, right? Well whatever you did, maybe you could do it again? Come on!" He did not wait for the old man to reply, instead, he took off in the direction Artemis had pointed. The young man ran toward the West, out of town and toward the forest. When he arrived their was no one around. But he noticed left him with chills down his spine. The first thing he noticed was a pile of glowing green ashes. The remnants of a life form. When Phoenix investigated more he saw a young girl lying on her back some distance away. "Oh gods! Oh gods! Oh gods!!" Phoenix darted toward the body and knelt on one knee beside her. "Excuse me miss are you okay?" Quickly, the mage pulled a card from one of his pouches and held it over the girl's stomach in two fingers. "[i]Auxilio[/i]" He whispered. The card vanished in a blue spark and the girl's wounds suddenly faded away. "Your wounds are healed, miss, but you will still be in pain for quite some time."