Gin skinny frame remained unmoving before the kindness of the man before him, he had scowled so much thru the entire ordeal that it seemed to have fixed itself permanently as a feature on his face much like his nose or his sunken eyes, however it lifted a little out place when the man before him replied. At first what should be joy had gave way into a strange quizzical look. his eyes peeping at him as he lean his shoulder back to the side. His pose was one that was expecting an attack while thoroughly investigating his lack of further words[color=brown] "Are-"[/color] He couldn't finished though before the siren sound of fear before the clattering of bells in the distance. Gin swirled around in order to inspect the distance it had come from, his eyes squinting for a moment before letting out a half apathetic "It's not a town fire" before turning back to his savoir only to be greeted by the protruding face of a furry creature that quickly scurried back into the serenity of his master clothes. He, too gave a flex of his nostril after the animal which immediately broke the sternness of his expression into a crumbled up brow in unsaid agreement as he looked around a bit to remember where he was [color=brown]"It might be the smell"[/color] he said in a manner that was obviously meant to be a joke but spoken with the innate bitterness of a threat. At the first prospect of hiding Gin draw breath to argue[color=brown] "No. I have-" [/color] before becoming silent in the face of being offered to break more things than he already have[color=brown] "No. I must catch the true thief. He has wronged me"[/color] at some point half way thru he was talking to himself as the dutiful stranger had already scrambled with the spirit of a pilot at war time. Gin kept his twin pair of sink holes on the man as he scattered into the oblivion of horizon and then started to turn around to walk the opposite direction before stopping in his tracks. His nostrils flexed a couple of times, causing him to look at the pipe 3 feet away that was now making churning noises that would put vomiting plague victims to shame. A guttural roar fumbles out its throat as the pipe sneezes out a rat into a left standing bucket for water [color=brown] "Forget it. I can't do anything worse to him than this place can"[/color] he says in a shameful as the rat clambered out of the water and into the alleyway. Turning to chase after phoenix in retreat of this town . Gin had been tailing the man who had a clear head start, every time he'd see him he'd vanish into another tree or bush like the elves of old tales. Gin croaked out a request to slow down a couple of minutes or so but his voice was so aged that it was hard to tell him from a singing toad they had passed on occasion. When he finally caught up the image of the stranger practicing more magics was clear as he flipped out another card over something he couldn't spot and he wouldn't do so as his eyes immediately turned to the green pile of goo before him, luring him in slowly. Then, more noticeably he saw the scattered limbs across the floor that had been haphazardly laid in the forest from what he can only assume to be a failed out door picnic for the local cemetery residents[color=brown] "...What the..."[/color] he let off with his face slanted in a confused glare as he knelt before the ruin of flesh. Picking one up while at the same time turning away from it in disgust. "Your wounds are healed, miss, but you will still be in pain for quite some time." Gin scan the scene before peering over his shoulder and shouting [color=brown] "Do you think you got a spell to recover missing body parts..." [/color]he asked before mumbling[color=brown] "Like, maybe a couple of torso and heads...What the hell happened here?"[/color]