[center][h3]Abandoned Warehouse 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] With Ryan and Seighardt being taken to the hospital after their entire ordeal, they all made their ways home. They wanted to talk about why there were two this time... Was it because the cult was picking up their activities? Unfortunately, Kami wasn't present today, still investigating, but likely he may have some answers for them. Kazuki walked away from all this less than pleased. It appears he was not used to these more difficult scenarios, seeing as he handled the previous dungeons okay whenever he participated, but this one seemed to try him. [center][h3]??? 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh3FgVv24-0]"Welcome, to the Velvet Room"[/url] Ryan's vision began to return to him, but before him was something far unfamiliar, the gentle track of an opera singer being the second thing he heard. All he saw was blue, then as his vision sharpened, he began to make out a table, chairs, and a long nosed man at the other end. There were silhouettes seated at each table, only one was clear... He didn't recognize this other person, wearing an attire that appeared to be from an era a century old, with a cravat and all that. In any case, he noticed that he himself was in a simple suit, or rather, tuxedo. He had a bow tie after all. It was unusual, but he felt he could get used to this. On the other end, Seighardt's consciousness began to return to him too, and before him was a room of nothing but blue, tables and chairs possibly fancier than the ones he was once used to, which was quite certainly something. He noticed another silhouette seated a ways off in a tuxedo, but he didn't quite recognize this person. He looked down and noticed he was wearing a surcoat with a cravat, it was a brilliant blue in design too. It felt only a little strange to him, but he rather liked it. Eventually, the two would bring their eyes to the one in front, the long nosed man. [color=royalblue]"This is a place between mind and matter, dream and reality. It appears you two are new guests... I daresay, almost everyone has arrived, most pleasant"[/color], his voice was concise, a little strange, but very clear, a huge contrast to what his origins seemed to be. [color=royalblue]"I am Igor, and this is my assistant, Henrietta, we will be the ones who will assist you, and the other guests, in your journey"[/color], he pulled out a deck of cards and drew two. They matched the engravings both Ryan and Seighardt had in front of them. The Lovers, and the Star. [color=royalblue]"My, so you have drawn the Lovers. An arcana that represents relationships, in modern times has become the symbol of a strong bond between two as the name suggests, lovers, but it may also refer to one's relationships with other people in general... Family, or friends"[/color], then he turned to the other card. [color=royalblue]"And this is... The Star. To work towards a goal is one of life's greatest treasures, to shine high and bright, like an inspiration... Despite your... Turbulent past, you still have a goal to work towards that means the world to you no?"[/color], Seighardt shifted slightly in his seat. [color=royalblue]"I will not pry... However, I'm afraid that concludes our brief meeting"[/color], he clicked his fingers, and Henrietta, the gold haired assistant beside, walked around the tables with two keys upon a cushion, both of which she placed in front of Ryan and Sieghardt, one for each. [color=royalblue]"This key will allow you to come and go from here as you see fit, but until then... Farewell"[/color], and with that, the two blacked out, only to wake up again in the hospital. [center][h3]Warakuma High - After School 22/6/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] Rui was on his way out and onto the hospital. It seems news of the kidnapping was getting major, he was seeing police officers everywhere around the hotspots of the town now... If the cultists were to try anything, they'd be caught, or at least that's what they seem to hope. Kami managed to establish that the cultists don't actually know about the nature of the mirror world, so what was compelling them to throw people in there? Well... In any case, it appears Kami was getting close, he managed to get an early leave and hasn't been seen since. Ayano was beginning to worry too. In any case, off to the hospital. He was starting to become a regular there...