When he had used his power there was a strange sensation in his body that he hadn't felt very often. It was the feeling of draining, like using his powers had actually drained him. This had only ever happened when he overused his abilities. He couldn't think of an explanation so he decided to ignore it for the time being and try to figure out what was going on. "You're welcome!" The body parts had gone unnoticed by him for some time until the older man pointed them out. It appeared the young girl was a Necromancer, it was even more obvious when she held a lifeless rabbit close to herself. Necromancer's were strange to him but not unlike him, they had powerful magics just as he did. "I'm sorry about your rabbit. Could you tell us what happened?" Phoenix tilted his head a bit with a friendly smile, trying not to worry about what was really going on, trying to get her not to worry as well. From where he was the air was clearer and he liked it that way, no stench just the smell of the trees and fresh air, it made it easier to think. "I don't mean to worry either of you, but there could be a serious emergency going on. Once we get the information on what happened here, we should head into town... I mean I will head into town, neither of you have to follow if you don't want too." He chuckled a little and placed his hand on the back of his head in what seemed like embarrassment. This mage appeared to be a natural born leader, but he had never lead anyone so it wasn't coming to him very fast. Artemis climbed down from Phoenix's shoulder and moved to criss-cross between the girl's feet. It appeared as though he was trying to comfort her about her lost pet. "Artemis, don't be a nuisance." When the mage went to pick up his ferret friend, Aretmis climb up the girl's leg and up her body to her shoulder. "Heh heh. Sorry about him, but I think he's taken a liking to you, miss." Phoenix was about to say more but he was stopped short by a trio that ran up to them. "Hey you three, haven't you heard what's going on?!" One of the men spoke. "Actually no, I was just about to enter town and see what it was." Phoenix replied to the man. "King Dreeg has spoken. He has said that any team of three that brings in the thief who stole the Heart Stones will be most generously rewarded. And any one with information on it shall be rewarded too, if you know anything, I wouldn't withhold any of it or the death penalty is your fate." The man spoke again this time in a serious, but somewhat dramatic tone. "Heart Stones... stolen??" The mage's eyes grew wide in a sudden realization. "No wonder... I'm completely reliant on myself as far as my magic goes, the Heart Stones are gone giving me nothing to draw energy from..." "Well, be seeing you three, we are going to be the ones to capture the thief and get the reward!" All three men took off deeper into the forest, completely ignoring the pile of body parts as they left. "Did you hear that? The Heart Stones STOLEN!" Phoenix sat down on the ground cross-legged with his chin resting in the palm of his hand. "What am I to do? I haven't eaten in a whole day and I'm completely reliant on my own strength to use my powers. And there is no leaving the realm now since the Way Gates will be unusable. This is a disaster!" He looked up at the other two. "Any ideas, new friends? Oh by the way..." He wanted to introduce himself but refuse to stand due to his lazy nature. "I'm Phoenix Seraph, a mage from the city of Mynx. And you are?"