I read others' 1x1 and group RPs on occasion, but normally, not so much... Generally, I feel that the 1x1 RPs are just too silly and thrown together to keep with, as I've found that a lot of them are just for the purpose of sticking a couple of hot characters in a loose plot and seeing how soon they will fall 'in love'. I'm not into reading others' fantasies, so I stay clear of them by keeping my nose out of 1x1 RPs that aren't my own. I've had what I'd call 'readers' on some of my early stuff on another site, sometimes 6+ at a time when a partner or I posted a new piece. Even now, every once in a while when I check out those old stories, I often find that there are still people viewing them. It is partially for this reason that I like doing public RPs, as both the feedback and idea that others are enjoying the story as much as I am helps me grow as a writer.