[center][color=#DC143C]Blake Rogers[/color][/center] Blake, after getting annoyed by Dorumon's constant headbutting climbed onto a branch of a tree to get out of the digimon's reach. Once satisfied with where she was she pulled a small sketchbook out of her back pocket and began to draw a random flower and skull drowning out Dorumon who was growling and yelling up at her. As she drew she let her legs dangle off of the branch which she ended up regretting in the moments ahead. Dorumon paused in his growling and yelling at his annoying partner upon smelling another human. He glanced up at Blake and noticed that her legs were in reach if he jumped and formulated a plan to get Blake to the other human. When Blake had gotten really into sketching Dorumon took a few steps back before running forward and jumping. He then proceeded to latch onto Blake's shoe-clad foot and drag her off the branch causing her fall face first onto the ground. He then quickly grabbed the sketchbook from besides her in his teeth and took off running towards the smell. Blake let out a slight scream as she was dragged off the branch and fell face first into the ground. She let out a groan and pushed herself up in time to see Dorumon take off with her sketchbook in his mouth. "You dirty creature..." Blake growled before hopping up and running after him. Dorumon came to a stop in front of a human boy and Candlemon and stood there waiting for Blake. "You dumb dog!" Blake yelled as she entered the area they were and stopped glaring at Dorumon. "Give it back right now!" Blake demanded holding her hand out. Dorumon dropped it on the ground and used his nose to nudge/throw it to her feet. She knelt down and picked it up wiping the dirt off of it and placing it in her pocket before finally noticing the boy and his digimon. "The hell..." Blake said blankly staring at them before throwing a glare at Dorumon. "You didn't tell me there were other humans." She said to which Dorumon did his best shrug. [@Duthguy] [hr] [center][color=#FF0000]Amora Hayes[/color][/center] Amora was humming while she absentmindedly stroked BlackSalamon's fur, she stopped though when she peered ahead of her and noticed a boy with a Koala-like digimon aproaching. She set BlackSalamon on the ground and stood up brushing herself off before walking towards him to meet him halfway, a flirtatious smile settling on her face. "Well hello there, wasn't expecting to see someone else anytime. Especially not such a handsome boy with an adorable little digimon." Amora said flirtily as she cocked her head slightly to the side fluttering her eyelashes. Meanwhile BlackSalamon walked up to Phascomon and walked around him once with a smile on her face. "Hello there~" She said as she sat down besides Amora staring at the Koala-like digimon that was partners with the boy in front of her. [@AcetheKidd]