Well, I'm back for round two. Hopefully I can stick around this time. XD Name: Abraham Martin Age: 16 Picture: http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1500000/Daren-Kagasoff-the-secret-life-_-american-teenager-1578471-440-270.jpg Godly Parent: Nike Years at Camp: 2 Weaponry: While some campers carry with them only a weapon or two, Abraham finds such behavior illogical. Almost as illogical, in fact, as wielding oversized weapons, or weapons outside of their intended purpose. No, in a fight what matters is winning, not how one looks while doing it. As such, his primary weapon is a rapier of celestial bronze with a basket hilt, disguised as, of all things, a small metal bookmark. It reveals itself when Abraham places his thumb on the embossed symbol on one end. It is not uncommon for him to have a dagger tucked into a hidden sheath on his leg, or a stiletto hidden upon his person. What is a certainty, however, is the Swiss Army knife he keeps in a pocket. He had it modified his first year at camp to include a small blade of Stygian iron among its tools. He doesn't elaborate on where he got it, but based on the size of the blade, his supply must have been very small. Fatal Flaw: Abraham's fatal flaw, though one would be hardpressed to identify it correctly, is his own self-doubt. More specifically, his belief that he's never quite good enough. Though he was always one to remember his own failings and try to improve on them unceasingly, this tendency was aggravated by somethng shortly before his arrival at camp, something he has buried deep beneath his calm facade and never talks about. Special Abilities: When one considers his ancestry, one does not think that Abraham would have much in the way of an ability. After all, wasn't victory an end in and of itself? But what many don't see is that defeat is unavoidable, and the path to victory is to come back from those defeats stronger than before. This is the very essence of Abraham's ability. Whatever his foe uses against him, provided it is not instantly fatal, he will begin to adapt to, find ways to overcome. And the more it is used, the more he can adapt to fight back. For example, when fighting something far faster than he is, his reaction times might increase to compensate. Or when fighting someone stronger, his speed might increase to avoid their blows. Or if one attempts to use supernatural charms, his perception would slowly begin to cut through the haze. He cannot control how he adapts, nor is it likely to be the same every time, and it takes time, but he has found it a very potent skill. Few at camp are even aware of its existence, as it appears so infrequently, and he has few half siblings. But there is an extension of this ability; his rapier. In its default form, it is as described above. But the longer a battle wears on, the more it changes, like its wielder. It can never completely change what it is, ie go from a sword to a mace, but it is quite capable of changing from one type of sword to another over time. Like his own adaptation, Abraham has no control over this, though it will most often change to work with the changes his body is making. However, these abilities have an obvious drawback; in order to adapt, he has to be hit in the first place. As such, it is something of a desperation maneuver, as the more strikes or abilities connect, the more he adapts. Other: All things considered, Abraham had a fairly normal childhood. Raised in the relatively secluded northern United States, few monsters ever came his way, and the few that did rarely gave his family much trouble. He began reading and learning at a very young age, with a particular fascination towards historical accounts of war and tactics. Where others played action based games, Abraham grew up with a fondness and skill for strategy games, ranging from chess to Risk to Civilization. In middle school and high school, he joined the fencing team as well as any clubs having to do with strategy games. When he was fifteen, he came to camp for the first time for reasons he has not felt the need to elaborate on. Much of his first year was spent in the background, studying and learning everything he could about the camp and its inhabitants. The only real blip on the radar was during one of the later games of capture the flag, when a small strike group was defeated through guerrilla tactics, a defeat they claim was dealt by a camper matching his description. But few believed them, and Abraham never spoke up, so the event was quickly forgotten. He spent the rest of the summer flyig under the radar, making few friends or lasting impressions. Now, his second year has begun.