[center][h3]Warakuma Hospital - After School 22/6/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] [@floodtalon][@oblivion666] Rui got the numbers for both Sieghardt and Ryan's rooms, by now the others might suspect he'd be here right now to tell these two about what had transpired, but Kazuki was here too. He also got a call from Kami saying to meet him in the park later, said he had a few things to show him. Same with Kazuki. Fortunately... Sieghardt and Ryan were both put in the same room. There wasn't anything severe, so they didn't need to have different rooms... This made things a lot easier. As soon as Ryan's family had gone home, with promises of visiting him after dinner. It seems despite his problems with moving around, and fitting in, he actually had a very loving family. [color=slategray]"Quite lively huh?"[/color], he said as he entered. Kazuki followed right after. [color=royalblue]"Ah, good to see you're both awake. Now, let's get down to business"[/color], he announced, closing the ward door behind him, stepping in, the two standing over their beds. They began to go over the details of everything they saw, what was happening, the entire thing about the cults and kidnappings too. [color=slategray]"We're asking you both to join us. You don't have to, and even if we told the police, no one would believe a word of it"[/color], he looked at the two of them, then finished off, [color=slategray]"So, are you with us?"[/color]