[url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/342200/discussions/0/458606248634588672/#p4]Here's[url] the game link (extract file posted on the s teamcommunity forum for MWO) Gameranger's right over at www.gameranger.com. Small download comparatively, there shouldn't be too much ya need to do by ways of setting up. Alright folks. I come with an idea which may go somewhere... or it will simply die off the bat. Eh. Either way, I figured I might as well try it. So before I bore you with this semi-disclaimer... Battletech. That's the big concept at the moment. Time period would be anything ranging from the clan invasion to WoB, which might not mean anything to folks here, which at this stage is OK. I intend to make it so folks who have no idea what battletech is can join. Technology would be somewhere in the periods above, plot and the like are presently undefined, which is the purpose of this post. Consider it a pre-interest check, where I'm looking for a small crew to help give direction as to where to go with this and bounce ideas. I have two candidates in mind, just posting this thread to see if there's anyone else battletech minded who wants to help. The catch: we use a video game. Mechwarrior 4 Mektek, to be exact (I have a working download I can give to folks, 1.6 GB, extraction file). Again, if that meant nothing to you on the tech side but you think the concept of using a freeware video game is interesting, and you don't mind dated graphics, feel free to get involved. Right now I'm looking for folks to bounce around concepts with, so without further ado, leave a message here and I'll include you as part of a group PM to make this something. Few notes: -Instead of using a tabletop stat system I am proposing using any action-related content in video game form. Said format allows us to use mechs, battle suits and if necessary infantry for RP'ers and a wide variety of maps. Right now I'm thinking we could roleplay all the context around potential missions on-forum, go to the dropship, last posts are for dropping and the arrangements to meet would come in OOC. This obviously takes some timezone coordination. My flexibility isn't that great, so I feel those who are in the same boat. Doesn't mean we can't try, eh? -Skill in that particular game or any video game doesn't matter much to me if you find it interesting and are willing to try it. Worst comes to worst we can do a school-esque beginning to RP some training... -I'd like to get around 4 other people from this post [@Shorticus]? [@boomlover]?) and set up a group PM to make this a thing. We can expand into a group RP with a second stage of interest check or just do a small group and arrange between us. All that in the PM. -Downloading stuff will almost certainly be a requirement unless you somehow have both Gameranger and Mektek Mw4 Mercs. All I can really do is promise that neither download hurts your computer, nor are they too big (though MW4 is ultimately a full blown game... it's not too massive). Unless someone has a dedicated server we can use without needing GR? -Post/character quality I would say high casual, post length base probably something from an average casual section roleplay which I would pin at being either 1-2 solid chunk sized paragraphs or 3-4 smaller ones. If you fall a little below don't worry much, if you're above don't be put off by the lower standards :P In-game we can work something out, oneliners would probably be the norm for talking unless we all figure out a teamspeak (which I couldn't actually speak on, sorry). Yep, that's about it. Thanks for murdering the spambots [@Mahz]. Oh! Some mood music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sukx4FYTFes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1MH3fB4jwY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3UfichiRfg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEVb_HQuxQA