He listened to them, not sure what the older gentlemen was talking about, he seemed to have a way of speaking that went over the younger man's head, for as book smart as Phoenix was, he wasn't as articulate as he should have been. At the mention of food Phoenix came out of his thoughts and looked up at the girl. His stomach growled, reminding him that he was indeed, hungry. "Really?? Thank you, dear." After the words left his mouth and she introduced herself she began to walk away towards the city. Phoenix scrambled to his feet. "H-hey wait." Artemis scurried down the girl's body and ran to be picked up by Phoenix. The mage couldn't let the injured youngster off on her own. He hurried to his feet and followed after her. She appeared rather young and kind of reminded him of someone he knew in the past. Someone he cared a lot about who had died. "I don't know if it's safe to be wondering around without an escort, miss Jayni." He told her. Phoenix glanced back to see if the other man was following behind them. "Whoever attacked you must still be around somewhere, they couldn't have escaped Irakix no matter how powerful they are. Even with the Heart Stones they wouldn't be able to do it." The young mage shoved his hands in his pockets, looking up at the sky as he walked at the Necromancer's side. "If they see that you're still alive they may try to finish you off. But I won't let hat happen." He nodded as if agreeing with what he said. "So, who did attack you? What did they look like? I may know of them." Despite his rambling he was actually calculating in the back of his mind. Trying to put together what mage would want the Heart Stones and why. Putting clues together, such as the pile of ash from before, it glowed green, only a few mages had that color magic. Nearly killing a young girl was something not many would do. At least no one he knew would do that. Even if she was a witness, there were spells to make her forget or something of the sort. But killing, that was the extreme. Whoever it was, went against the mages' code. His face became serious as he had come to a conclusion in his head. There weren't many mages that he knew of that would kill. "I think I know who did this. But I can't be certain...I just wish I had been there to stop him from harming you..." He looked down, it seemed almost as if he was somewhere else, speaking to someone from the past. Upon arriving in the city, Phoenix snapped out of it and smiled at Jayni. "Sorry about that, I get some flashbacks sometimes. It's strange. But, I wasn't kidding when I said I think I know who did this. We would be right in going to see the king."