[hider=WIP] [IMG]http://0.tqn.com/d/mensfashion/1/0/P/6/1/81664176_10.jpg[/IMG] "Catch!" "The Basics..." Name: Raymond Liam Bleu Mutant Alias: Tarot Nickname: Ray, short for Raymond Mathmagician, Math degree and stage magic hobby Age: 21 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi-female preference Occupation: Math professor (specializing in statistics and geometry Professional magician. "The Appearance..." Description of Appearance: six two by a gymnastic hundred-fifty with Aryan features of blond hair kept in cornrows with hazel eyes. Style: He like to wear clothing with lots of pockets, Utility belts, Cargo pants, fisherman vests, His uniform is a navy jumpsuit with dark gold harness bordering on bronze covered in pockets and pouches to hold multiple throwing objects. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: Dislikes: [At least six.] Mutation: Tarot is a mutant who has the ability to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to pure light pink-colored kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with highly explosive results. He prefers to charge smaller objects, such as his ever-present playing cards, as the time required to charge them is greatly reduced and they are much easier for him to throw. The only real limitation to this ability is the time required to charge the object: the larger it is the more time it takes to charge. Most charging takes place through direct skin contact. The power of his explosions is dependent on the mass of the object he is charging, for example, a charged playing card explodes with the force of a grenade. Tarot's ability to tap kinetic energy also grants him incredible superhuman physical abilities (strength, speed, reflexes and reactions, agility, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance), as his body constantly generates bio-kinetic energy and so is perfectly constructed for constant motion. This gives him an added edge that he has used to his advantage by developing a unique acrobatic fighting style. Tarot also possesses an unusually strong and irresistible hypnotic charm that allows him to exert a subtle influence over sentient beings, leading them to believe what he says and agree with his suggestions. This is an ability he uses to great effect in teaching and stage performances. However, the hypnotic charm does not work on those who know about it. During combat, Tarot customarily wears a suit of highly articulated light body armor and uses a pair of hardened glass canes (A properly annealed inch thick piece of borosilicate will withstand up to 3,000 lbs of pressure and extreme heat and cold). He is extensively trained in martial arts, particularly Capoeria, muay tai and the cane style art jojutsu. He is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, applying street-fighting techniques and acrobatics. Tarot is a skilled card-thrower, so he throws his charged playing cards at opponents with great accuracy. He also excels in all aspects of thievery due to his magician training, Strengths: Ultimately it is his adaptability that is his greatest strength, the flexibility to roll with the punches in and out of combat. He is a survivor skills sets him for a close second in strength, a magicians skill to hide things with a survivors over-preparation means he might actually have something useful no mater the situation. Weaknesses: Due to his highly adaptable nature, he hates too much structure, no wiggle room in word or act begins to make him shut down. His love of adventure and overconfidence often lead him to taking ridiculous risks needlessly and easy to provoke into action. Personality: [At least two full paragraphs here describing what goes on inside of your character's mind.] "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: Child of a one night stand, she was a French girl who came to New Orleans for MadiGras and met a man with the [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/198/0/a/x_men___gambit__s_eyes_by_teuf_el-d3zh12h.jpg]greatest eyes[/url] she has ever seen. The only memento she had of him was the deck of cards on the nightstand, and morning sickness. Suffice to say, her wife was not happy. Fast forward thirteen years and we see an amateur magician good enough to win talent shows Other: [Here you can include if you character has any personal artifacts, weapons or even a theme song. This is Optional.] [/hider]