[b]Jake Strider[/b] Not long after Jake began looking for other humans, he came across a red haired girl around his age who apparently wasn't informed about the presence of other humans. "Well there are, though I don't know how many. I'm Jake BTW and this giant candle is Candlemon." Candlemon felt like he really wouldn't like the strange female, but fortunately for him he heard his younger brother yelling about having found his human. Believing that the Dokumon could protect both humans if something that happened and that Koromon was close by he sneaked off to look for the rolling head. After a few minutes he found both Koromon and his new partner who was another female. "I found my partner as well, lil bro. He is nearby talking to another human." [b]Dave Harley[/b] As Dave was trying to appraise the Digivice he noticed two red dots. "Hey bug, any idea what these red dots mean?" Fanbeemon immediately realized that other humans had to be around and that having allies would decrease the risk if they had to fight. "It must be picking up the signal of other Digivices, want to go check it out?" Since he didn't have any better ideas Dave headed in the direction the dots indicated. Eventually he came across a black haired boy with some koala creature and far more interesting, an attractive girl with long white hair and some weird black dog-like animal.