[center]The Unlikely Encounter[/center]
 Thoughts crossed her mind at supersonic succession, puzzled and perplexed by recent events. Her newfound affection towards a certain member of the Coven was a peculiarly toned concept for her, and she wished nothing more than to abandon these feelings and return to her ploys of eventual tyranny.
  Her mix of emotions and foiled plans irritated her and made her wish things were easy. Things were simple. But things had never been so in her life. Although she seemed to be the preppiest and outgoing lass she could be, a dark and malevolently perturbed history proceeded her, shrouded in excited demeanor and lies.
   She prowled the hallways and dormitories of the castle. As much as she didn't want to be there, there was a certain bliss in the small chatter and relative silence of the dorms. It really allowed her to think, allowed her brain to function at a more intrepid pace, not clouded by hordes of angsty new witches such as herself finding their way and gossiping aro-

"Shit Shit Shit," chirpt Angharad chasing after the terrified mouse-cat creature. "Oh, shit, Moz, come back!"  The strange create kept crashing into holes that were simply too small for its suddenly much larger body. "Moz, come...stop that, you are going to hurt yourself. Ohhh, Rebecca help!"  It was only then that she noticed the other witch in the hallway. "Hey you, help me," 

Rebecca came charging out of her dormitory, trying to catch up to Moz. Well, by her standards it was charging, but anyone else would consider it no more than a fast walk. Rebecca had never been in the best of shape even when she was alive. The lich managed to catch the chimera in a corner, grabbing it and handing over to Angharad. "Here you go, then." It was at that moment that she noticed the new witch. "Hello, there. I don't believe we've met before. I'm Rebecca, one of the Coven's new members."

[color=9900cc] "Hello there..." [/color] , she said with a confused stare. She had absolutely no idea what had just transpired before her eyes. But nevertheless, the strange feeling she had felt when in the presence of...her...reared it's ugly head once again. Though this time it was not a feeling of longing, but but a feeling of...adoration? She thought some more. And more. And more. She simply stared at the two witches in front of her, almost astounded. And when her verdict was up and set in stone, she uttered the words that her thoughts transcribed. [color=9900cc] "You two...are adorable." [/color]

Angharad held the little  ball of semi-matted fur and started whispering soothing words to the creater, petting it softly.  "Adorable?"   She glanced over at the new woman. "I'm am usually only called that [i]after[/i] the shag," She gave the creature another kiss on it's forehead before placing it into her pocket. 

Rebecca threw her head back and laughed, It was a rich, clarion sound, the kind of thing that makes hearts sing and spirits lighten. "Adorable? That's a word you rarely hear with witches. If you believe us to be so, though... who am I to argue? It seems that there is a person out there for everyone, I guess."

She blushed a small bit and caught her words. [color=9900cc] "Oh, sorry about that.." [/color], she said meekly. They were right, that was no thing for a witch to be stating. She should be more integral than that! Her honor, and more importantly, her pride was damaged from the statement of the witches. She felt...for the first time..vulnerable. Like she could have emotion. This was an unsettling feeling. She needed to..she needed to escape. [color=9900cc] "I'm...I'm sorry cuties..I mean fu- I have to leave!" [/color] What was she thinking with a remark like that!? As she sprinted past the girls and their cuten- she means repulsive natures, she cursed to herself. 

As the girl ran past, Angharad reached out and caught the girl around the center, using her momentum to spin them both into something like a hug. "Don't apologies sweet one," She said, still holding the girl chest to chest and nearly nose to nose.  "I'm Angarad, interim mistress to your mistress,"  she didn't let the girl go after the introuction however. "What are you doing today, precious one?" 

Oh, gods. Rebecca buried her face in a rotting palm. This woman was completely embarassing herself. It was just plain sad. She shook herself out of her musings and turned to Angharad. "I think she intends to look like a child, with the way she acts. We aren't emotionless monsters; we're humans first, witches second. If you feel affection or attraction to someone, don't be afraid to let it out." Rebecca realized that the other witch had been withholding some information about herself. "By the way, miss, you never did tell us your name."

Between the tall witch holding her down in a caring embrace, to the woman shouting at her about how feelings are acceptable, she was overrun by a flood of conflicting instincts. She didn't know what to do! Should she fight...? Should she try to escape the grasp..? She..was conflicted...mabye..she should just.. [color=9900cc] "S-sheevi...Sheevi Mekedo.." [/color], she said in a hushed and shy tone. She.. She...she didn't know how to react to the woman holding her...but her body told told her she should..she..should. She returned the gesture as lovingly as she could, however awkward it was.

Angharad squeezed the girl back in delight. "Well, aren't you just the most  lovely thing," she said.  "With those eyes, they would look even more stunning with cat pupils, tell, me...how do you feel about a tail and wiskers, I think they'd inhance your beauty greatly. Don't you agree Rebecca? " 

"I don't know," Rebecca said with a mischievious smile. "The cat pupils and the tail would be excellent additions, but I don't know about the whiskers. I was thinking something more along the lines of ears, personally. Maybe something in a calico pattern, too." A quick nod to Angharad would let her know she wasn't quite serious. Hopefully.

She stared at the one named Angharad with a look of astounded confusion. She was relatively new to the coven, and was led to believe they were as well. Was it possible to even do that? It's not that she was interested in such a thing. Altering her body in any way wa- Alexina. She was...Queen of the Forest, was she not? That is a...nature focused occupation. Perhaps getting in touch with her more animalistic side would help her gain leverage over Lorelai in the bid for Lexi's ambitions. She adored Lorelai and her big heart, yes, but she could not help but feel a tinge of jealousy towards the affection she received. [color=9900cc] "You..you could do that..?" [/color], she said, a barely noticeable hint of hopefulness in her voice.

"Well, yes. Course not right now, I just used my last cat creating Moz. Pockets only fit so many kittens you know,"  She said, reaching one hand up to pet the girl's head. "But I would love to do that, there is always room in the family for more children," 

Sheevi debated a bit more in her head...was she actually considering this?! It was a [i]ridiculous[/i] thought. How could even frisk with the thought of pawssibly encouraging this kind of behavior?! It was a ludicrous and honestly purrturbed process of the mind, detrimental and degrading in it's- oh who was she kidding of course she was interested. [color=9900cc] "I..think I would l-like that very much, yes.."[/color]
So. This new witch was open to having her body manipulated. Very few would be willing to do that, despite her own beliefs on the subject. What was more, unlike herself, Sheevi didn't have anything blatantly obvious to gain. In addition, Rebecca knew the raven-haired witch wasn't aware of the side effects of the transformation. She hadn't seen it like herself. "Are you sure about this? The transformation process is... unpleasant, from what I've seen."

[color=9900cc] "Trust me." [/color], Sheevi said while giving a blissfully aware glance towards Rebecca, a warm smile planted on her face. [color=9900cc]"With my reasoning, any repercussions from the transformation would be well worth it."[/color] In reality, she had no clue whether she should be doing this. What if something went wrong? What if the process rendered her a full on feline? There were many thoughts pacing through her brain, but one remained constant. If this worked, she would be a step closer to Alexina's heart.

"The woman has agreed Rebecca, try not to scare her," Said Angharad, perhaps a little too eagerly. It had been a while since she had had a [i]willing[/i] human participant. "The only thing we need now, is to find a worthy feline,"  Perhaps she'd be able to slide a little something...extra in there. Like a hedgehog. Or a bat. Or a snake. 

"I was just making sure she knew the risks she was taking, Angharad. I know that she made the decision of her own free will." A little haughtiness crept into Rebecca's voice. She did not appreciate being talked to in that particular manner. There were certain lines that simply were not crossed, even among witches. "It may take some time to procure such a specimen. Perhaps Sheevi would prefer joining with another species."

[color=9900cc] "Another...species?" [/color], she asked timidly. She was still quitr unsure on how this...interspecies amalgamation was to be done. A different sort of witchcraft? Was this Angharad woman simply a mad scientist? She could not be sure. But one thought had crossed her train of thought, however. [color=9900cc]"Well, I've always loved cats, and...I've also always had a particular affiliation with.."[/color] She looked up at Ang and cleared her throat. [color=9900cc] "...snakes."[/color]

"Snake?" asked Angharad. "It'll be wonderful," she finally releast her holding hug on the girl to take her hand. "We must start the hunt at once. We will find you a nice omen snake, or perhaps not a constrictor...maybe something with a little more ...bite,"  She pressed her finger under her chin, looking the girl up and down. "Perhaps the Iridescent Shieldtail. What do you think Rebecca?" 

"Personally, I think she'd look good with scales, but witches have always been associated with more deadly creatures." Rebecca tapped the side of her head in thought. "You sure she wouldn't make an excellent viper?"

She nodded her head at Rebecca, actually enthralled at the thought of being transmutated with a viper. Perhaps she would have cute little fangs! But those cute little fangs are more deadly than you think~ Suddenly SURPRISE ATTACK! She would strike with deadly venom, brutally smiting her foes where they stood! Yes, yes. This is sure to catch Lexi's attention. Yesssss...

Sheevi was unaware that she was standing there pretend hissing like an idiot.

"See? She is getting into it already," grinned Angharad, using her free hand to boob Sheevi on the nose. She found the girl utterly adorable.   Even if her name had already escaped her. "Well, come along dear, the fast we catch the viper, the faster you'll be able to put a fang in that hiss of yours," Another idea flashed across her mind. "If I built you a mate, you'd have wonderful children," and just like that she was already planning a creature to place along side the girl. 

It was hard to tell who was the bigger fool right now. Sheevi for hissing like a toddler, or Angharad for commiting yet more crimes against nature (though admittedly, Rebecca was not much of one to talk on that particular subject). Yet there was still something about this whole procedure that had Rebecca's attention. Maybe she just wanted to watch the impending catastrophe (or was that snake-witch-cat-astrophe?), for her own sick amusement. "I'll come along. Someone's got to be the responsible adult here."

Even though her mind screamed at her to run away, and her mouth instinctively twitched at the thought of sharp fangs invading, her heart told her that she had to do this. Not only because she wanted to, but because Lorelai had been ahead in the game for too long. For far too much time had Alexina pursued her hopelessly. It was blatantly obvious Vespa gave her no chance. And not only to fulfill her romantic yearnings, but to quell the unyielding chase of Lorelai's ambitions, she would do this. [color=9900cc]"Yes, let us go now."[/color]

~magical hunt for a viper and a kitten. Only four dead. It was a good day!~

The snake hissed as it tried to escape Angharad's grasp. Clearly it sensed that it was about to die.  Yet, Angharad kept whispering to it, like it was a kitten or a puppy and not a deadly creature. "Get on the bed Sheevi, this will take a while,"

Rebecca turned away and shut the door. She'd seen this mess once before, and she didn't need to do so again. Better to steel herself for her own chimerization. She'd made a commitment to herself and didn't want to break it. If that meant living the next few days in denial, so be it.

She watched Becca leave the room, taking note at her obviously distraught expression. It was apparent that she had seen this before, and...possibly a mishap? Sheevi started to have second thoughts about whether or not this was a good idea, but before she could finish the process, she was interrupted by the cut- she means repulsive voice, demanding her to lay back on the bed. [color=9900cc]"Oh, ok.."[/color], then she did so.

Angharad waited till the girl was on the bed, before climbing on herself, she put her legs on  either side of the girl and pressed both the kitten and the viper just above the girls rib cage. "Once I start, you will have to kill the animals on the inside. It is unlikely that the kitten will try to take control of the body, it'll be too scared, but the viper won't be so easy. It'll be hard, it'll feel like killing a part of yourself, but never forget...the viper wasn't a part of you before. It isn't your friend," She then gave her a smile. "Ready?" 

Sheevi had never been so terrified in her entire life. [color=9900cc]"No..no I am not.."[/color]

"Yes you are," and with that Angharad started her chant. Utterly ignoring the girls worries. 

On the outside, it looked like the animals were slowly melting into the girl, more than that, the girl where making slow changed all her own. It seemed...almost peaceful. The inside was a different story~

"Please," came a voice inside Sheevi's head. "I don't want to die,".

She knew this was coming. [color=9900cc]"You're not dying, you're becoming one with me. Now shut up."[/color] She was now tuning the voice out.

"Please, help me. I'm scared and...and it hurts," the Voice's voice broke as it said the last bit and was followed by...crying. 

[color=9900cc]"I'm doing this for Alexina...I'm doing this for me...SHUT UP IN THERE!"[/color], she screamed at the crying voice.

"Please, I have to live," The voice was full on balling. "I know you Alexina, she is my friend. I would see her in the woods all the time. She wouldn't want this." 

[color=9900cc]"Yeah, well now I'm thinking about what [i]I[/i] want! And I...want you...to DIE!"[/color] She strained against the voice.

The voice was silent for a moment. "You cannot kill me or you would have done so already,"  said the voice, suddenly more angry than sad. "You may have control of the body. But'll be here. Here to tell you, that she will reject you anyway. She cares for another, and what are you compared to a dragon?" 

She thought for a moment. Perhaps this voice was right. Alexina would never want her. Lorelai was simply perfect. She was powerful, she was beautiful, and she was wise. Everything that Sheevi was not. Mabye..mabye she should give in..obey the voices...give up. [color=9900cc]"No. I may not be a dragon. I may not be wise. I may not be all powerful. But I know what I am. I have what surpasses even the most megalithic of witches. The prophets. The seductress herself. It is...determination!"[/color]

The voice grew silent. "I will never be gone," and with that the voice faded, leaving  Sheevi in silence. 

Exhausted and emotionally wrecked, Sheevi wallowed in the silence, finally ridden of the voice. She prayed it was over...that everything went fine.

The screaming had stopped. Rebecca knew that meant the merging was over, or at least nearly so. It was time for her to see what exactly Angharad had wrought Sheevi into. Rebecca opened the door to the bedroom. What she saw was fascinating, even beautiful in a macabre sort of way.

Her eyes fluttered open, as she felt a strange sensation. She felt...weightless...like she had no substance. She tried wiggling her body a bit...was she dead? Had the procedure gone awry? No...she..she felt movement. Her arms...yes...her legs...definitely...her- [color=9900cc]"Oh fuck."[/color]

 She quickly launched to her feet, looking around the room. She saw Ang staring at her new creation, and Rebecca standing in the doorway, gazing in astonishment. She looked down at her...tail. It was fluffy and long, with a black fur and unmistakably violet tinge. She looked over at the mirror that was stationed on the wall nearby. Short pointy ears, the same color as the tail, sat on her head like jutting spires. Small intricate patterns of lightly shaded purple scales arrayed on her cheeks and down her arms and legs. She opened her mouth, and sure enough, two long fangs protruded from her top row of molars. She stared at her new look intently, then peering over at Angharad again, opening her mouth to speak.
 "Mind your fangs, can't have you bitting yourself," Angharad's face was nothing short of prideful. "You look astounding my child," There was a little sense of possessiveness in her voice, but mostly she just looked pleased. 

"Well, this is most... unusual. I must say, you make a truly wonderful. hybrid." Rebecca took Sheevi's hands in her own. "I would never have thought that a snake, a woman, and a cat could be combined to make such a pleasing form." She turned towards Angharad. "And you have a wonderful eye, to combine so many disparate species into such a beautiful creation."

A small bit of blush formed on her cheeks, further accentuating the dark scales. [color=9900cc]"You...really think so..?"[/color] 

"Indeed. I doubt many people in the cities and towns would find you attractive, but we don't need to worry about them. Here, in this castle, you're beautiful, and this is the only place that matters."

A flurry of emotion overwhelmed Sheevi, her entire face turning red with blush, and her tail curling up instinctively. [color=9900cc]"T-thank you...both.."[/color], she said before pulling both Angharad and Rebecca into a tight hug.

"Ack! Angharad, are you sure that was a viper? Seems like it was a constrictor instead!" Rebecca was grinning like a fool, returning the hug with all the strength she had. She didn't feel that she had done all that much, certainly not as much as Angharad, but she was not one to turn down any affection showed her.

"Of course, she is wonderful, I make nothing less," She said, putting her hands  on her hips. She embraced the hug with full force. "I do not think we can blame the snake for this, I think she had the constictor in there before ,"  She ran a hand across the girls scales. "So...what do you feel? What do you seen? Anything different?" 

[color=9900cc]"I feel...[i]amazing![/i]"[/color], she said as she pranced around with her feline feeling legs, a nimble pep in her step. She paused for a moment and a thought crossed her mind. [color=9900cc]"ALEXINA!! SHE'S GOING TO LOVE ME!!!"[/color], she said practically loud enough for the entire castle to hear, as she purred and hissed with excitement.