Gin inspected Jayni up and down with his twin pair of vortexes at her reply, the two of them lacked any light and the intensity of his depressingly dark sockets only indication of actually changing vision was the indication of his chin moving up and down as his observers tried to suck in the color around them with their stark contrasting void [color=brown]"You think the king will harm you for not reporting this incident...assuming he dosen't chop your head off for vomiting toxic goo over the floor when we get there"[/color] The grumpy old man had assumed a much more entertaining tone that almost hit normality if he had actually shrugged off the standard attitude so far. He turned to Pheonix as he started to mutter his thought process in his inquisition before slowly raising his hand to his own chin in thought at the revelation that the secret mage may not be as secret as everyone thought, his own eyes flashing tiny pools of white as he looked up to his own thoughts too [color=brown] " True, a lot of magic users don't really gain a lot by taking that stone"[/color] The shutters for his pits open up again as he stared directly at Jayni [color=brown]"This individual clearly has some sort of agenda...if that is the case, he may be banking on us to go to the king...and do we want the king or anyone knowing what we know. Right now we have an advantage others don't"[/color] his voiced had lifted a little as he started to look between the two, the iron muscles in his unchanging pose melting away into relaxation as he did. [color=brown]"Before you think about sharing this with anyone, you should share it with us. This young man is clearly invested in your life and I have already been clear about my loyalty to the current way of things"[/color] he continued before slowing down a bit and nodding at Jayni [color=brown]"Yes. Food would preferable. We may not have the chance to eat again if we do decide to go after this stone, for whatever reason" [/color] his harsh tone returned to him, twisting a croaking, mild vocal massage into a swift verbal slap as it did. The monk seemed to be unphased by the prospects of death, his face only compressed harder into a more aggressive thrown at the obvious recalls of death threats and potential mad mages, the true points of bother creep in his voice and face at the idea of wither the quest was worth the effort to begin with. Gin lumbered over to the girl before him, walking past her and then peering into the back of her neck as he stood a foot away from her breathing a bit on her before taking another step or two more behind as he followed the necromancers march to civilization [color=brown] "I'm Gin. By the way..." [/color] he was silent for a moment more, letting the name settle like clay [color=brown]"Of the Boiling Cup"[/color]