[center][h3]Warakuma Hospital > Warakuma Park - After School 22/6/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] [@floodtalon][@oblivion666] As expected they joined, Seighardt was surprisingly meek, and Ryan not so surprisingly meek. Still, these two still needed their rest. It seems they would be discharged tomorrow and can attend school again the day after. Although with this meeting concluded, Rui gave the both of them his phone number before setting off. [color=slategray]"If you two need to ask any questions, call me, or try and find Kazuki or Kami, or anyone else on the team. I'm sure you guys can remember that some of our classmates are part of it too"[/color], as he said this, the two would properly recall seeing quite a few people at their 'acceptance' of their shadows. Regardless, after this, both Kazuki and Rui left the hospital for the park. As Rui and Kazuki walked together, there was a tension of silence between them. Out of being proper, or that they simply did not have any kind of deeper relationship to have a chat, but soon Kazuki broke the silence. [color=royalblue]"What do you suppose Kami has to tell us?"[/color], he inquired. Rui was uncertain, and he knew Kazuki was too. Kami made this meeting seem a little urgent. Maybe it was just a desire to get it off his chest and share the burden of information. [color=slategray]"Who knows. I just hope it brings us closer to ending this. I can't even remember when I didn't have to think about anything but what game I was going to play next, or what textbook I had to study"[/color], he commented. Kazuki kept his silence, but pretty soon they came upon the park. As Rui approached he noticed that Kami was not alone, Ayano was there too. At least it was someone on the team and not someone unrelated to it. Else they might have to find another place. [color=slategray]"Am I interrupting something Kami?"[/color], for that brief moment, Kami was conscious to the fact that he and Ayano were together alone until Rui and Kazuki arrived. [color=aba000]"Wha-? N-no... Uhh, no, we just happened to run into each other"[/color], he regained his composure. Even then he looked quite ragged, the way he moved wouldn't say so, but little details one could notice would tell. [color=royalblue]"Well, you made it seem urgent. So what's the news?"[/color], Kazuki asked. [color=aba000]"Right. I guess I'll start by summing up what we've learned so far... First, it's that the cultists don't seem to know the true nature of the mirror world, that they're throwing people in there for one reason or another. I did a little sleuthing behind my father's back since he's assigned to this case. The cultist that was turned into the police station broke fairly quickly, and said that people were being kidnapped for "salvation". Police is still not sure if this string of kidnappings is related to the ones last year, since the ones this year, everyone so far that had been reported, returned quickly... Thanks to us"[/color], he took another breath and continued, it looks like he was getting to the new part. [color=aba000]"I found something... Strange. The Lady Asai that the cultist mentioned. I looked into it, there are only three people with the name Asai in Warakuma, two are students, one is an old lady who lives in the suburbs... However they are the ones who are alive, none of them have any involvement or suspected involvement with cults. Though I did find an Asai Serizawa, who closely fits the bill for involvement with cults. She was part of the currently suspected cult, "Junsei Sekai Tensei", or Perfect World Reincarnation. Turns out, she is the wife of the cult leader, she passed away two years ago, shortly before the kidnappings began. Now I'm explaining this, because what the cultist said in the interrogation would make more sense. They believe that the Mirror World, is their "perfect reincarnated world". Even though they've never been there, they're being told by the leader that these kidnap victims are "chosen" for the new world, and that their Lady Asai lies beyond as well. That explains why everything is happening..."[/color], [color=royalblue]"So what's stopping us from finding this guy and ending this once and for all?"[/color], [color=aba000]"Well... It's because no one can find him. His home's been empty ever since Asai had died. I suspect he may be in the mirror world, another thing the cultist said is that he's never seen their leader, that he communicates from "beyond" or... Something"[/color], this all seemed strange, but this man hiding out in the mirror world made sense, but made no sense at the same time. [color=slategray]"Hmmm... Well at least we know who we're looking for... Thanks, and good work... I think you should take at least one day to rest, you look ready to fall apart"[/color], Rui commented. [color=aba000]"I guess..."[/color], Kami sighed out of exhaustion before speaking again, [color=aba000]"Investigation is not turning much up anymore... The cultists must have a base of some kind, even if their leader "hasn't been seen", perhaps there we'll be able to find some clue to get to him..."[/color], with that all said Kazuki decided to say goodbye and left for his own devices. Rui left eventually as well, leaving Kami and Ayano alone again. [center][h3]Star Drop Cafe 27/6/2015 Saturday[/h3][/center] The tables at this cafe were seeing a slow reduction in customers as lunchtime came to a close. Among those still finishing up, was Mako, Aiko and Akari Yamamoto, and Masahide. Shizuka was on floor at this time. As Masahide began to leave, he was halted momentarily by a few adults, the two in front began to don masks before fully entering, Masahide noticing this turned in surprise before being grabbed by the two that were now behind him after turning his back to them, and was dispatched quickly. In the cafe meanwhile, a scuffle broke out. Shizuka being the waitress attempted to serve as part of her job, but was taken quite quickly. Aiko was first to jump forward to action, for a moment he seemed to manage something, swiftly punching down one of them before the other smashed him over the head with a baton. As Shizuka was being taken out two of the men jumped for Mako who also fought back. Akari was largely frozen in fear, so were the other people in the restaurant, but pretty soon Mako was being dragged off and the cafe was left in complete shock. [center][h3]Shinichi Residence > Star Drop Cafe 27/6/2015 Saturday[/h3][/center] [color=slategray][i]"... Who was taken?... I see... I'm gonna come too... Alright..."[/i][/color] When Rui arrived to the scene, it was sunset, police barriers were set up all over, Matthew were there first, but pretty soon a few others of the investigation team arrived. Police told them to get back, but Rui explained that they were friends of some of the people who worked and frequented here, so they let them stand a bit closer. [i]"Rui you..."[/i], he turned to Matthew. He seemed pretty distraught. [i]"The-they took her... She's..."[/i], he shook his head then calmed down. [i]"Shizuka..."[/i], oh the waitress... Rui heard that the officers said three kids were taken. Three...? [color=slategray]"Alright let's-"[/color] [i]"We have to get her back"[/i], [color=slategray]"Okay but fir-"[/color] [i]"L-let's go, to that-"[/i] [color=slategray]"Calm down! We need to calm down. I'll immediately organize we go out tomorrow. It's too late to go tonight... But we'll get them back, we've always done it haven't we?"[/color], he assured. He was being quite frantic, did she mean a lot to him? Likely. He knew they were in the same club though. "Get some rest, we're going first thing tomorrow morning", with that, he had Matthew head to home while he made his walk home making calls. First Kazuki, then Kami, and then so on. Three people... Shizuka he heard from Matthew, but the other two he could not get a name out of the officers, they obviously didn't want to alarm anyone in case it was someone he or the students knew. Well, in any case, looks like he was going to need his rest.