[center]Name: Seth Halver Age: 17 Image: [img]http://picscelb.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/boys-hair-styles-for-boys-hair-cuts-for-boys-2012-new-male-hair-styles-short-best-hair-styles-photos-pictures-2012.jpg[/img] Years at Camp: 6-7 years. Godly Parent: Hecate Abilities 1. Magic- A broad, inclusive power which all children of Hecate share. Seth's abilities are more attuned to the darker path of magic, allowing him to create a variety of curses, mystical runes (used for traps and conjurings), and powerful offensive spells. His spells typically take on the forms of a malicious black energy or sturdy, jagged crystalline structures through which he can use as conduits or "batteries" for his magical powers. The crystals are solidified magic energy, and can be converted back to their natural state at Seth's command. If damaged or completely destroyed, they can repair themselves over time. 2. Resilience against things originating from the realms of the Big Three- Since Hecate was given authority over the three major realms, Seth has a passive yet notable ability of being tougher towards the creatures and powers drawn from these realms. Weapon: Seth typically fashions himself a red crystal sword infused with mystical, black fire. Like his other crystal constructs, the sword is solidified magic and is therefore harder to even scratch than it looks. Fatal Flaw(s): Ambition, Audacity, and Pride. Other: Personality and backstory will be developed throughout RP.[/center] You know I'm up for this anytime!