[quote=@TheEvanCat] Sounds like an interesting way to do something that isn't Precipice (where I'm writing posts for weeks at a time.) My main problem is that downloading software on this government network is a no-go and I know nothing about this aside from the basic giant robots scheme. I did play like, Mech Assault as a kid but I'm not sure if that's the same thing. [/quote] Ah. Well, to do that on a gov network... lets just say it takes a few dangerous strings :P But it could be possible for you to join if only for a non-pilot element. Mechassault is a decent intro to the concept though it doesn't say much for the lore. Still, it beats most folks's experiences and I expect to pull folks in who don't even know the difference between battlemechs and omnimechs, so *shrug*. [quote=@6slyboy6] Hoooooo boy! I missed out on everything, thought I am still interested. What'd I miss out on? [/quote] A checkup, posted game link, and a few folks saying 'yep". [quote=@Crimson Raven] Sure, why not? I want to see where this goes. Tenitivly interested. Edit: Although, I'm not sure If my computer is up to it. Been having problems on it, of late. [/quote] Unless you're getting bluescreens there shouldn't be an issue, it isn't a very graphics nor CPU intensive program. [quote=@sakurasan] I'm interested but if you're starting this week.. I won't be able to do it I think. Finals next week and I have to study. >> I'll probably join afterwards though. [/quote] It'll be a while yet, and there will be time before we even get into actual video game roleplay portions. [quote=@Shorticus] Small note: I THINK my last Final is next Thursday. After that, I should be safe to start downloading and practicing and getting back into the groove and teaching people and whatevs. EDIT: On the in-game battles themselves... How are we handling those? Text chat? Voice chat? Etc. I have no qualms against anything, but I know tons of people would much prefer not to use voice chat on the web. I bring this up because group coordination often hinges on communication. Would we be RPing in-game once we're in the battles, or only using the battles to simulate the action side of the event? If someone can't downloading the MW4 files (as in EvanCat's case) or can't get in the same timezone to play with us, do we have backup plans? [/quote] It seems easiest to base the schedule at least partially off you as it gives time and it's already useful for another person who can't start this week. No pressure though :P I don't think voice chat would be much of an option for what you said... and the fact that I am in fact one of those people who would prefer not to VC over the net. In-game chatbox might be the way to go... though for things like all player battles we might want to have a special keyword to put into chat for everyone to stop and let a message get out. Maybe an individual * symbol? At this point my main idea is the second part of what you said - simulate the battles almost exclusively and put as much of the roleplay with text in the forum before, all the way up to dropping onto the field and first steps, and back to text with players describing their versions of the end of the battle and what happened from there. Folks that can't do things in-game could take on roles as personnel. One more poke in case anyone has the game already and wants to get the initial test over with.