Gippal Looked over as a girl jumped in firing at the tentacle that nearly crushed them landed and ran over to them "You guys ok? I'm Khinnu by the way, Looks like you could do with a hand here...stand back " She changed her weapons that now fired...well fire. it was actually quite impressive, he had never seen anything like that before. But he did notice she was an Al Bed so it made sense...they were more tech savvy than any one else. "Well fire seems to work!" She said with a grin as Gippal shook his head and slashed at another Crab, breaking through it's shell and slashing it in half. While Isabeau was focusing on summoning, he repositioned himself inbetween two more that tried to make for her. Blocking strikes from their claws and kicking their legs out from under them and jabbing his sword into one in between its eyes, he NEVER Saw so many fiends at one time. What was happing? Was it to do with the Aeons return? He realized he didn't introduce himself to the new girl, but there was a time and place...and it wasn't now as he heard Gippal, Urick!! Let the others handle the tentacles, kill the actual--" as her voice cut off he looked up and caught a glimpse of Sena being pulled over board. "Son of a..." he said softly as he understood what she meant. He looked around for Urick but couldn't see him, he must have been below deck. He heard Isabeau talking to her self behind him, hopefully it would work.. As he thought about it suddenly lights shot up into the sky and after going into the clouds, Valfore came swooping down. He stood in amazement for a moment...he was looking at a Real Aeon...He shook his head as he heard "Gippal, you two go help her. We got it up here." Looking over to Alex he turned to Khinnu, he didn't know how much her guns would work under water. If she was referring to Khinnu and him. He then said to Khinnu, "Please watch over Isabeau for me!" He motioned over to Isabeau so she would understand who he was referring to. He then shouted to Alex, "I got it!" With it he sprinted over to the side and dove over, positioning his sword in a way that it would not get ripped from his hands and or bash him in the face. When he hit the water he spun around as fast as he could to catch his bearings. He saw Sena to his right and the Fiend infront of him. Man it was big... He looked around the bottom of the boat and saw holes in it, with tentacles sticking in them. If they didn't kill this fiend quickly the ship was going to sink. His eyes narrowed as he thought, "Alright... lets do this.." First battle as a Guardian? he was wondering how more dangerous the battles could get... He swam forward passed Sena right for the Fiend. He dodged little tentacles with ease, because of his backround in Blitzball the water was home for him, as two came to block his path by grabbing him he spun in a barrel roll...allowing his blade to reach out and as he spun he slashed the two tentacles. Then finishing his roll he grabbed onto the main body of the fiend and stabbed with all his strength right for the only eye. he then held on to his blade as the fiend began to shake back and forth trying to rid itself of him. Was this a good idea? hmmmmm Probably not... as he thought to himself. it wouldn't die by that blow. as it wasn't getting any weaker just yet.