[h1][center]"The catfight"[/center][/h1]
[center][h1]Alexina and Vespa[/h1][/center]

[sub]collab with [@Meiyuki][@SillyGoy][/sub]

Sousiel was roaming about camp.  She didn't sleep so she kept watch with the witches throughout the night.  She'd just spotted Vespa exiting her mistress' carriage.  Sousiel smirked at the witch's noble bearing,  even as she was undoubtably on the way to piss in the woods.  "Such grace...I wonder if it's largely wasted though."  She muttered.

Climbing on top of Lorelai's carriage Sousiel decided now would be a good time for a snack.  She removed the jerky her Lady had given her from her dress pocket.  She scanned the trees as she ate.  She spotted something curious.  Alexina's familiar frame was striding in the direction that Vespa had gone minutes earlier.

"Now I can't miss this."  Sousiel giddily hopped from atop her perch and took on her cat shape,  stalking towards what was likely to be a show to remember.

Unfortunately for the shapeshifter's perverse expectations, Vespa, now mostly recovered from the debacle last night, did not stop to undress and squat among the brush like some common plebeian urinating, but kept on walking. Again, she walked in even, measured steps, with her hands clasped over her waist. She was wearing a long, dark dress with red highlights, flush with elaborate embroidery as was befitting of someone of her respected pedigree. The Blood Witch appeared to be contemplative, as to her forested surroundings she gave no interest. She stared rather passively at the air in front of her as her mind threw thoughts around from one side to the other.

As Alexina followed Vespa, her thoughts were conflicting on what she should do, or say. She never really talked to the other witch due to her stealing her first love from her. She thought her arrogant and sickening as it seemed she loved death...it came with her magic, but still, compared to Elina, she was a completely different person. 

She wasn't hiding the fact that she was following the other witch. Mostly because she was lost in her own thought and also she wanted Vespa to know she was there. She hated the fact that when ever Vespa was around Lorelai, it seemed that she was invisible  to her. That will stop soon enough. 

She stopped about ten feet away from Vespa, despite her wanting to cuss the witch out she simply asked, [color=39b54a]"Going for an early morning stroll?" [/color]Her voice soft, yet almost with a hint of Venom in it.

Alexina's voice brought Vespa about from her reverie. She had not been expecting company. [color=f26522]"Alexina,"[/color] she said, as she turned around to face her. Her smile was polite, but only just that, and without any real affection. The two witches never really knew each other. [color=f26522]"A pleasant surprise. Yes, just an early morning stroll. Did you sleep well?"[/color]

Alexina just stared at Vespa for a few moments before, saying, [color=39b54a]"I hardly sleep [i]well[/i] any more...for a bout a year now." [/color]Ever since Lorelai left her for Vespa. She took a breath. [color=39b54a]"How is Lorelai? Is she doing better?"[/color]She asked, her voice more sincere than before, a lot more. She took a few steps closer, with her hands folded behind her back, bouncing on her behind. as she took her slow steps towards Vespa.

Vespa stayed where she was, failing to quirk a brow at the Forest Queen's strange and carefree gait. [color=f26522]"Why, yes, much better. Elina is far more gifted in the healing specialities of blood magic than I thought. Had she not been there..."[/color] her voice trailed off, and she shook her head. [color=f26522]"But thankfully, she was there."[/color]

She allowed her eyes to fall to Alexina's feet, and worked them up till the two were again sharing stares. [color=f26522]"Tell me, how many did you kill last night?"[/color]

Alexina stopped a few feet away in a comfortable distance but still close as she turned to look at Vespa. Yes...Elina, another strange thing as Vespa allowed her sister to kiss her lover... and by the sounds of it, it happened before. Biting the inside of her cheek as she felt the rage of jealously begin to boil in her blood. She blinked as she asked how many she killed. 

[color=39b54a]"I frankly don't keep count." [/color]she said flatly. 

She then sighed as she looked at the woman.[color=39b54a] "Honestly... I grow tired of this...[i]'playing nice'[/i] Lorelai was almost killed because of this stupid mission to go see your mother. That is something I take seriously. I mean... where were you? You could have been defending your love but you were off....counting kills." [/color]

Vespa blinked once, then twice, flabbergasted by Alexina's sudden break of decorum. She allowed herself a scowl began looking sidways at her opposite, but otherwise restrained her voice. [color=f26522]"Had I not leapt for them, you would have had to deal with ten more at the same time."[/color]

Alexina's face was calm and almost bored as the other witch tried to explain her reasonings. [color=39b54a]"I would have taken on the whole group if it meant protecting Lorelai. "[/color] Her eyes narrowed as she resisted the urge to rip the girls throat out.[color=39b54a]"I've sat by for this entire year...thinking that this was for the best...that I must forgo my happiness so Lorelai can be happy....with [i]you[/i] But no longer. I will no longer allow myself to be helpless and sit idly by."[/color]

Her only reaction was to laugh, covering her mouth with a ladylike raise of a hand. She had suspected that Alexina might've had feelings for Lorelai, but for her to confess them like this? Such a crass action elicited only mirth and incredulity from the aristocratic witch. [color=f26522]"So," she said, stifling giggles. [color=f26522]"What will you do, hmm?"[/color]

Alexina's eyes narrowed as Vespa giggled. It was true she had no grace with words... no one really understood her as she grew up in the forest her whole life. As much as she wanted to attack Vespa, and blame it on another forest animal, she knew Lorelai would know better. In all honesty she didn't know how she was going to win Lorelai back. She never actually fell in love with anyone before her... she did not know these things...on how to win over a heart. Normally it was just the strongest got what they wanted, to be the Alpha of the group. But she knew the way's of the forest did not translate to the ways of humans. 

"Why would I tell you?" She said through her teeth. " I just wanted to give you a fair warning, unlike what I recieved when you stole her from me." She turned and started to walk away.

Vespa's brow remained mockingly raised as she stared at Alexina's shrinking back. [color=f26522]"Whatever it is you are planning, you had better do it quickly."[/color]