[i]Nightfall, the woods two miles outside Trelleborg[/i] Vigi took a seat close to the fire, hoping to warm his lithe body before he froze over. He felt a bit anxious after giving so much information of his past to someone he hardly knew. However in a way it felt good to finally get it off his chest, especially to someone that was not so different from himself. His pale green eyes traveled over the exhausted features of the search party. His own exhaustion started to catch up with him and his eyes started to grow too heavy for him to keep open. With one final look around the campfire he laid down on the ground, trying to get as comfortable as possible before he was pulled into the realm of dreams. -.-.- A gentle tugging on his hair aroused him from his sleep. He brought a hand up to grip onto whatever was pulling on his hair and jumped awake feeling feathers under his fingers. The raven cawed loudly in his ear as he released it before flying away. He watched it fly off until his gaze landed on a dark hooded figure standing on top of a grassy hill. Vigi frowned for a moment before his eyes widened with realization. [b]“Allfather.”[/b] He whispered in disbelief. The raven landed on the figures shoulder as it turned slightly toward him. Vigi stiffened for a moment before getting up to his feet and slowly approaching the hill top. The sound of waves crashing onto shore reached his ears the closer to the top he got. When he reached the top he found himself looking at the deep blue ocean and a norse raiding ship heading toward the shore. He furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding why he was being shown something such as this. A hand clasped his shoulder firmly and the world around him changed in a blur of bright colors and gargled sounds. Finally it settled and as it became clear Vigi wished it hadn’t. His entire body grew rigid as he watched norse raiders slaughter defenseless what looked like Christian monks. The colorful sunlight pouring through the stained glass windows flashed across steal as it sailed through the air to cut into the flesh of a man begging for his life. It was in a foreign tongue, but the sound of someone pleading not to die could be understood no matter the language. Blood splattered on the ground in front of him as the thin man was cut down and he felt his stomach turn. But when that one voice grew quiet, three more sprung up in it’s place. A loud chorus of voices screaming out to be spared death only to be replaced with screams of agony before falling silent. He wanted to look away, to close his eyes and put his hands over his ears to block out the chorus of pain and death, but he couldn’t. Odin was showing him this for a reason, he had to keep watching and try to find out what the significance of this was. He clenched his hands into tight fists and continued to watch as men without weapons, men that down to the core were no different from himself, were butchered. Finally though there was relief, the hand clamped onto his shoulder again and the scenery started to change. His shoulders sagged with relief when the nightmare ended, only to tense again when it started a new. For a few moments he thought he was staring at the decomposing body of a monk sitting on a bed in a small room. Then it groaned and moved, rising up to its feet and shuffling toward the door. [b]“A draugr?”[/b] Vigi whispered, flinching when he spoke outloud even though he knew that this creature could not actually hear him. He jumped when loud banging came from the door and watched as it lurched from the force of being rammed. The door finally gave way, knocking down the draugr in the process. Two men rushed in and one of them grabbed onto the walking corpse. It howled as it turned it’s head and bit into his arm, making him cry out in pain. He hit the corpse with his shield to knock it off, screaming as it tore a chunk of flesh from his arm. He stumbled back against the wall, clutching at his injury. Vigi looked away from the injured man and toward the door as a large man with his face hidden by a helmet and chainmail entered the room. The hand fell upon his shoulder again and he found himself standing outside of the monestary that was now engulfed in a raging fire. He turned away from the bright blaze to watch as the raiders left the area with cries of victory and their spoils. Among the men he spotted the man that had been injured by the draugr, gripping onto his injured arm with a bloody piece of cloth. Vigi tilted his head to the side with a thoughtful frown. [b]“Thought you could get away.”[/b] A voice growled out close to him, he didn’t pay it any mind until he saw a flash of metal and then there was a stinging pain across his face. [b]“Gah!”[/b] He shouted, falling back onto the ground and grabbing at his right eye where the pain was coming from. His good eye snapped up as a large warrior stood over him, raising his sword high above his head with a grin on his face. [b]“For the glory of Vahalla!”[/b] The man yelled before plunging his sword down into Vigi’s chest. -.-.-.- [b]“Aah!”[/b] Vigi screamed sitting bolt upright, one hand clutching at his chest over his pounding heart and the other grabbing at the area over his right eye.