Howdy, Seravee! Glad to see your message. Since you mentioned both fantasy and cyberpunk, I'd love to suggest that you look up Shadowrun. It's a pretty neat setting, and it's got a lot of variety in content, and there's megacorporations ruling the world, and there's dragons, and there's crazy gangs that dress up like it's Halloween... It's good stuff, and there'd be no world building necessary. If that interests you, we could try that. Or we could try cyberpunk played straight. It doesn't take a huge stretch of the imagination to say "It's the year 2066, and the world is way different than it was fifty years ago." Or 2100. Or... name a year. I wouldn't mind doing the heavy lifting in world building. I also wouldn't mind doing the heavy lifting in fantasy world building. I've got a flash drive that's all maps and flags I've drawn up. Just... Yeah. Anyway, I'd be very interested in knowing what sort of plot you'd want to pursue. Feel free to narrow your choices on setting, too. I'd rather you pick than me when it comes to setting. As for writing samples: I'll trust you'll be enjoyable to write with once we get started. Finally, I'd like to note that I'll be fairly busy until the end of next week (my last Final is Thursday). I can do a lot of in-depth discussion this weekend, though, in preparation for RP. EDIT: Also, folks, I'm probably going to be hopping off of the Guild for the day. I should be back later tonight, but I've got to get back to studying and writing some short papers. Hopefully this isn't bad timing for anyone. And I'll be around Friday for sure, but probably not this Thursday. (It's tabletop game night tomorrow.)