[color=cyan][b][h1][center]Alex[/center][/h1][/b][/color] Alex ran up with Camyllia and Clara to help grab some stuff. They had started heading for the stairs when they heard singing Alex got on instant high alert. However, when Clara got in front of them Alex decided to stand back and watch being ready to help her if needed. By the way Clara was talking to the guy something bad was up, but Alex knew not to try anything. Then when the girl came up the stairs and mentioned Haru, Alex sighed a little inside. At least they weren't hostile, [i]yet[/i]. Alex would keep his eye on them though. [color=cyan]"Coming with us depends on how you answer a few simple questions, but as of right now I'd rather get away from an area that is gonna be crawlin' with Walkers soon. So if you don't mind, could you please put here down and let's get out of here. At least let Haru inspect the wound. She won't be as aggressive to him as it's obvious she would be to you."[/color] Alex reached his hand out to Camyllia and started walking past the three. He needed to get everyone out of there as quick as possible and hoped they understood that he was just trying to defuse the tension. [@Aintitfun1997][@Demonic Angel]