[center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hyatt[/color][/h1][/center] Nikki closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat of the Impala and let her memories take her to a much safer and protected time. Her mom wouldn't let her date because it took her mind away from her dancing and school. The extra time she did have her dad filled with Martial Arts. Nikki barely had time for friends at all. She had only gotten to date because she was eighteen and threatened her mother that she would quit dancing if she didn't allow her to date. Her mother had finally relented but she had more rules than a convent. When Nikki and Tex met she told her brother how old he was and he freaked out. He followed her and met Tex. Only after threatening uncompromising pain before eventual death did he ok him to date his little sister. She missed her brother. Her eyes teared up while she remembered his laugh and the way he used to pester her. She even missed his crazy antics, like when he had tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes after her last dance recital and ran and jumped into the swimming pool, him in his uniform and her in her dance outfit. Nikki missed her overprotective and sometimes overbearing family. She felt a little out of her league with Chris. She was attracted to him and she genuinely liked him. That kiss he gave her just about did her in though. No one had ever kissed her like that. He made her knees go weak. After the walkers made their appearance and she found her mother and brother's bodies she realized that her dad couldn't possibly make it out of that building. She started looking at how many people she was losing. She had always had a crush on Ethan. He had really come through and took up the mantle that her brother's death had left empty. She chose to look at him as her brother because it hurt less and it made him safe in her mind. They took care of each other and this is what they had become, siblings forged by necessity. Walter and Tex were also close. Even though she and Tex broke up after less than six months they had become friends and he was friends with Ethan too. Walter had been Ethan's best friend so she accepted him as family. Nikki felt more alone than she ever had before. Now with Walter gone and Kat and Grace showing up out of the blue Nikki felt like she was losing Ethan a little more each day. It scared her. It scared her enough to break all the rules her mother had given her. [@josephb][@belle][@lpfan][@aerandir](& all others who interact with Nikki.)