[center][h1][color=0072bc]Ethan Blackledge[/color][/h1][/center] The heat had started to rise even on a gloomy day in October, which Ethan still couldn’t get used to. October in England, people would wrap up in three layers and still feel cold, Ethan only had two layers on and he was close enough to take off his coat. As he chucked his map back into the rucksack, he finally looked up again. He watched Kat for a moment holding Grace and a small smile crept up his face. But Ethan knew he couldn’t stay there forever though, just watching his daughter and the mother of his child. Before Ethan was about to ready everyone up to get going, he noticed the new man kissing Nikki. The happiness turned to annoyance. Straight after, Alex had grabbed her away arguing. The man was Nikki’s ex and still seemed to like her, which would make the new romance a little awkward. Nikki then stormed off into the car and it was only at that moment she made eye contact with Ethan. He didn’t say anything but he shook his head in disapproval and the look on his face said it all. [i]What’s she thinking?[/i] Ethan thought to himself. The man was double her age easily. Straight away, he felt uncertain about him, who knew what kind of angle the man was trying to play. Was he trying to get into the group by making Nikki fall in love with him? Ethan wanted to have a little chat with the man, to see what he was about. As hard and strong as Nikki liked to portray herself, Ethan knew she was secretly innocent and sheltered from the world. She didn’t know what men could do. Ethan then turned around and shouted to the group, [color=0072bc]“Alright everyone! Let’s get going. Someone else will have to get into the Chevrolet with Nikki and her new... acquaintances.” [/color] [@Wick][@LPFan][@Belle][@Kurai Assassin][@Aerandir]