[quote=@Shorticus] even better, we could start the roleplay off with your main character not even being a Shadowrunner at first. We could use that as an in-character introduction and let you learn particulars as we go.[/quote] I think that's a really great approach. If nothing else, it will make it easier for me to roleplay a clueless character. Because, you know, I'm actually clueless. [quote]We could easily roleplay the transition of your character from a SINner to a SINless, perhaps with some sort of goal to pursue where your character NEEDS help? Again, this would help serve as an intro to the setting. [/quote] I think this would fit well with the above comment. My character is new to the world, and looking for guidance. What would someone have to do to have their SIN revoked? I could keep that in mind, and structure a character around that. I imagine the event that leads to her having her SIN removed, and the immersion into the new world, should be enough to get us off the ground in terms of conflict/good stuff. We can absolutely work in the other elements you mentioned as we move forward. I also do like the idea of being closed in a city - at least for a while.