After Urick asked about Lady Yuna he heard "YES! She just hit her head with the initial crash.... We got to get people out on deck!" He looked at her then down at the rising water...he hesitated for a moment, the only way out was blocked. "The Door is blocked by a part of the mast. " Urick yelled as he tossed his axe to the side. "Ill go and try to move it!" He then turned and ran towards the door, using his speed he tried to use his weight to slam into the mast. it only Budged slightly as he rammed it with his armored shoulder. Grunting in pain as the blow still knocked him. After a moment he lowered his stance, trying to get under it. He grunted and growled as he pushed with all his might but it wasn't moving any more. But he didn't give up, this was the only way out...soon other men came up and tried to help, but with the hall narrow and the door even more so, there was only so much they could do with out being able to give their full strength cause of awkward positions. Soon the water was at his knees...and he finally knelt down and took in a few breaths... there was nothing they could do... he looked back to the rest of the people and he saw Persephone and lady Yuna who was now standing up holding her head. She closed her eyes and said, "Everyone...Get away from the Door...." with such authority Urick himself wanted to get away from the door as fast as possible. He made sure everyone was at least ten feet away from the door as he looked back and heard Yuna say, "Please, clear us a path!” as she put her hands together and a glyph appeared under her. Suddenly a dog...thing... appeared from one of the side rooms and came up next to her.. at which she petted before looking up at the door. Despite the loud noises of battle outside they could hear thudding of footsteps of something larger than himself. Suddenly the wood shattered and light shined through. Urick had closed his eyes as it shattered and as he looked through he could see a massive man leaning down to look into the doorway... after a moment he realized it wasn't a man, but it was an Aeon... at which he shoved the mast on their left to the side to give them more room. Yuna walked up to the Aeon and smiled, touching it's shoulder. Urick then said to everyone as the water reached his waist. "Alright MOVE It's safer up there than here!" After he hurded them out he found others fighting the tentacles, it seemed they were doing fairly well and he saw another Aeon... Valfore, So it seemed Isabeau was able to summon after all... He watched as the Aeon fired a laser from it's mouth, burning a few tentacles in the path. Yuna then turned and paid Yojimbo, then when he was paid he turned and pushed the sword from his sheath with his thumb and flashed as he sliced through the two biggest tentacles with ease. He looked around for Gippal, but couldn't find him. he found everyone else but the girl named Sena as well... where were they?