[img]https://thekenyonthrill.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/hey-arnold-phoebe.jpg[/img] [b][s]Forgetting[/s] Ignoring.[/b] [hr][@ScreenAcne] Dude, you're not alone in this. I have a friend who said he wants to get married on the moon. ON THE MOON. [b]UPDATE:[/b] Guess he just wanted to be over the moon on the moon. Poor chum. [hr][h2][b]New Rant[/b][/h2] [b]Darn those creative people who can prettify their posts based on the limited BBCodes allowed.[/b] I've been practising for days and I can't- just- what are you made of? Rainbow bubbles and vomit of van Gogh, Picasso and da Vinci's soul, heart and mind? ;__;