[quote=@Pair of Hearts] [@NuttsnBolts] Screenshot, plz. [/quote] [quote=Simple CS design][center][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color] [color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][/center] [color=ed145b][u][b]D E T A I L S :[/b][/u][/color] [color=CCCCCC]Suspendisse fermentum pellentesque dui, quis consectetur dui hendrerit a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc tempor risus sit amet posuere sollicitudin.[/color] [indent][list][*][b]Item 1:[/b] [color=CCCCCC]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed pharetra erat, id interdum enim. Duis porta turpis et varius laoreet.[/color] [*][b]Item 2:[/b] [color=CCCCCC]Pellentesque id felis ut ex ultricies dictum ac vel turpis. Fusce ullamcorper mauris quis dapibus semper.[/color] [*][b]Item 3:[/b] [color=CCCCCC]Maecenas ultrices felis id rutrum finibus. Morbi at consequat mauris. Donec quis eros mi.[/color][/list] [/indent] [/quote] EDIT: (Yes, an edit in this early) The grey color I use is CCCCCC, but some people use different shades. It's just enough to soften the look and allow white to act as a natural bolding agent. Even without 'colour', greys can help any reader as blocks of white tends to look rather harsh on the eyes.[hr] Firstly Underlines and spacing[quote][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][code][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][/code][h3][u][b][color=ed145b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/color][/b][/u][/h3][code][h3][u][b][color=ed145b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/color][/b][/u][/h3][/code][/quote] By positioning the colour code outside the underline code, the line will be white, otherwise it will follow that colour. Also note that each letter has a space in between it so that the headings don't feel so cluttered. Compare the below. [h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M - LOREUM[/b][/u][/color][/h3] It's not much, but it can help with changing the look and feel of a heading by making it grander. Also I tend to put 4 spaces between words so they are packed out and not crammed together to accidentally form a single word. The other thing to try is spacing between lines and where you place your BB code. Horizontal Rules are easy to see as they tent to be unusual with their workings. [quote]Example [code][Hr][Hr]Word[Hr][Hr] Word[Hr] [Hr][/Code] [hr][hr]Word[hr][hr] Word[hr] [hr] [/quote]By adding a new line, the HR actually drops to the next line, thus creating a space. This unusual attribute also extends over to align tags, indents, headers and even lists. Understanding this will allow you to trick the code into adding spaces when you need it, and hiding them when you don't. Going back to my header example you can see it in effect. [quote][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color] [color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][code][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][/code] [h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][h3][color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][code][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][h3][color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][/code][/quote] By keeping the text within one H3 tag, I can reduce a space and condense my wording up. Also, note that I used a sup tag which will keep the font of the H3 text, but the text size will be closer to normal text size, thus tricking the reader into thinking a different font has been used for regular text. Sup also raises the text so it will blend in with the heading, but the sub tag can be used for a similar effect with words in a paragraph. [quote][h3][color=ed145b][sub][b]Dolor sit amet:[/b][/sub][/color][/h3][color=CCCCCC]Suspendisse fermentum pellentesque dui, quis consectetur dui hendrerit a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc tempor risus sit amet posuere sollicitudin.[/color][/quote] Finally, the TAB button is also a space button (most people work this out by now) so it's great for creating tables and an alternative to indents. [quote][u] [b]Lorem Ipsum[/b] [/u] [i]dolor sit amet[/i] | 5 | [i]consectetur[/i] | 72 | [i]adipiscing elit[/i] | 100 | [i]Nulla sed pharetra erat[/i] | N/A | [i]id interdum enim[/i] | Yes | [code][u] [b]Lorem Ipsum[/b] [/u] [i]dolor sit amet[/i] | 5 | [i]consectetur[/i] | 72 | [i]adipiscing elit[/i] | 100 | [i]Nulla sed pharetra erat[/i] | N/A | [i]id interdum enim[/i] | Yes |[/code][/quote] Basically combine these and your CS should appeal to pretty much anyone. Hope that's what you were after, but the more you experiment, the more you can work out what helps in CS designs and what doesn't work. [b]Note:[/b] PNG images of underline flourishes and dividers help with the overall look as well. [img]http://www.carolhepburn.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/gray-divider.png[/img] [img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/6/J/R/g/H/g/gray-swirl-hi.png[/img] [img]http://www.beepily.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/flourish.png[/img] [color=fdc68a]Sorry if It's not the best grammar wise or such. This is how the whole post looks as code. [hider=My Hider] [noparse][quote=@Pair of Hearts] [@NuttsnBolts] Screenshot, plz. [/quote] [quote=Simple CS design][center][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color] [color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][/center] [color=ed145b][u][b]D E T A I L S :[/b][/u][/color] [color=CCCCCC]Suspendisse fermentum pellentesque dui, quis consectetur dui hendrerit a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc tempor risus sit amet posuere sollicitudin.[/color] [indent][list][*][b]Item 1:[/b] [color=CCCCCC]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed pharetra erat, id interdum enim. Duis porta turpis et varius laoreet.[/color] [*][b]Item 2:[/b] [color=CCCCCC]Pellentesque id felis ut ex ultricies dictum ac vel turpis. Fusce ullamcorper mauris quis dapibus semper.[/color] [*][b]Item 3:[/b] [color=CCCCCC]Maecenas ultrices felis id rutrum finibus. Morbi at consequat mauris. Donec quis eros mi.[/color][/list] [/indent] [/quote][hr] Firstly Underlines and spacing[quote][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][code][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][/code][h3][u][b][color=ed145b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/color][/b][/u][/h3][code][h3][u][b][color=ed145b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/color][/b][/u][/h3][/code][/quote] By positioning the colour code outside the underline code, the line will be white, otherwise it will follow that colour. Also note that each letter has a space in between it so that the headings don't feel so cluttered. Compare the below. [h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M - LOREUM[/b][/u][/color][/h3] It's not much, but it can help with changing the look and feel of a heading by making it grander. Also I tend to put 4 spaces between words so they are packed out and not crammed together to accidentally form a single word. The other thing to try is spacing between lines and where you place your BB code. Horizontal Rules are easy to see as they tent to be unusual with their workings. [quote]Example [code][Hr][Hr]Word[Hr][Hr] Word[Hr] [Hr][/Code] [hr][hr]Word[hr][hr] Word[hr] [hr] [/quote]By adding a new line, the HR actually drops to the next line, thus creating a space. This unusual attribute also extends over to align tags, indents, headers and even lists. Understanding this will allow you to trick the code into adding spaces when you need it, and hiding them when you don't. Going back to my header example you can see it in effect. [quote][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color] [color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][code][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][/code] [h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][h3][color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][code][h3][color=ed145b][u][b] L O R E U M I P S U M [/b][/u][/color][/h3][h3][color=ed145b][sup][b]Dolor sit amet[/b][/sup][/color][/h3][/code][/quote] By keeping the text within one H3 tag, I can reduce a space and condense my wording up. Also, note that I used a sup tag which will keep the font of the H3 text, but the text size will be closer to normal text size, thus tricking the reader into thinking a different font has been used for regular text. Sup also raises the text so it will blend in with the heading, but the sub tag can be used for a similar effect with words in a paragraph. [quote][h3][color=ed145b][sub][b]Dolor sit amet:[/b][/sub][/color][/h3][color=CCCCCC]Suspendisse fermentum pellentesque dui, quis consectetur dui hendrerit a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc tempor risus sit amet posuere sollicitudin.[/color][/quote] Finally, the TAB button is also a space button (most people work this out by now) so it's great for creating tables and an alternative to indents. [quote][u] [b]Lorem Ipsum[/b] [/u] [i]dolor sit amet[/i] | 5 | [i]consectetur[/i] | 72 | [i]adipiscing elit[/i] | 100 | [i]Nulla sed pharetra erat[/i] | N/A | [i]id interdum enim[/i] | Yes | [code][u] [b]Lorem Ipsum[/b] [/u] [i]dolor sit amet[/i] | 5 | [i]consectetur[/i] | 72 | [i]adipiscing elit[/i] | 100 | [i]Nulla sed pharetra erat[/i] | N/A | [i]id interdum enim[/i] | Yes |[/code][/quote] Basically combine these and your CS should appeal to pretty much anyone. Hope that's what you were after, but the more you experiment, the more you can work out what helps in CS designs and what doesn't work. [b]Note:[/b] PNG images of underline flourishes and dividers help with the overall look as well. [img]http://www.carolhepburn.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/gray-divider.png[/img] [img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/6/J/R/g/H/g/gray-swirl-hi.png[/img] [img]http://www.beepily.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/flourish.png[/img] [/noparse] [/hider] [/color]