That was a weird name for a dog. They would have to shorten it because there was no way she was going to remember it. Just how much crack had the owner been on when she'd named the poor animal. Catching the look on Jason's face Kat sighed inwardly. It was an odd situation. How exactly did she explain that it had been a one night stand without seeming like a slut? Grace, now with another man in front of her and her little mind connecting the two, giggled and reached for Jason, babbling at him like she was trying to have a conversation. Kat wasn't about to tell her that wasn't her daddy. The child was probably confused and mommy was not going to make it worse. The kissing between Nikki and the man she had just met caused Kat to raise an eyebrow. From the way Ethan and the other guy Tex reacted she could see the drama storm coming. Well she didn't want any part of that. If Ethan was jealous of the guy then he could go after Nikki if he wished. She wasn't going to stop him. As she made these resolves in her mind she tried to bury the stab of disappointment. What did she expect? For him to see her and Grace and suddenly turn into a fairytale prince who realized he loved her? Ridiculous. That old her was starting to surface again, the one who actually believed in such nonsence. Kat quickly hardened her heart once again, putting up the walls that had almost started to crack. [color=7bcdc8]"Odd is an understatement," [/color]she replied to Jason just as quietly. Grace blew a raspberry as her input on the situation. Kat bounced her until she started to fuss again. Kat opened Grace's mouth to look at her gums. They were starting to swell. Teething would start soon. Wonderful. THAT was going to be fun. Despite her earlier resolve a smile escaped when Jason held open the door for her. It was a very old school gentlemanly thing to do. Maybe chilvarly was not dead after all. The window in the back was open and Kat held Grace to her shoulder so she could look out of it. Grace babbled in her baby language and tried to poke her head out when she saw legs through the window. She grasped at Jason's pant leg but it was out of her reach. Kat could tell from Tex's expression that he was not looking forward to being trapped in the cab with a talkitive baby. He looked highly annoyed, either from the fight with Nikki or Grace babbling or maybe a combination of the two. [color=7bcdc8]"Your love life is not my baby's fault so you are going to stop glaring around her right now or we are going to have a problem,"[/color] Kat snapped. Tex mumbled something she was sure was foul language before looking straight ahead out the windshield. Kat glanced out of her window trying to catch a glimpse of Nikki. The girl seemed to know her own mind well enough and Lord knew she could take care of herself, but concern for a fellow female had Kat wanting to keep her in sight. This guy looked a lot older than her and who knew how much advantage he would take of her. [@Aerandir][@josephb][@Wick]