[center][h1][color=f49ac2] Nikki[/color] and [color=00aeef]Ethan[/color][/h1]collaboration with [@josephb][/center] Nikki opened her eyes and looked over at the truck and Ethan. She glanced over at Chris and said, [color=f49ac2]"I'll be right back." [/color]She got out and went over to Ethan. [color=f49ac2]"We'll take Rey with us in the Impala." [/color] Nikki looked at Ethan and said, [color=f49ac2]"Can we talk? In private?" [/color]She led him down the road a little ways so they could talk. She knew Ethan wouldn't scream like Tex did. His disapproval was quiet and somehow it meant more. Ethan looked Nikki straight in the eyes and asked, [color=00aeef]"What are you thinking Nikki?"[/color] The annoyance was clear to see on his face. [color=00aeef]"You're getting off with some random person who's double your age who you've never met before?" [/color]His voice started to get slightly louder as he thought about the situation. [color=00aeef]"I thought you was smarter than!"[/color] He suddenly stopped speaking waiting to hear her explanation. Nikki realized that he was much angrier than she thought he would be. [color=f49ac2]"There is a very intense physical attraction between Chris and I. Why should I wait for months before we decide to tell each other that we want to be together. With Walter gone and you with a baby and her mother...I'm left all alone."[/color] Nikki couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her face. Ethan was a little took back with what she was telling him. [color=00aeef]"You... You think I'm going to leave you?"[/color] After a few seconds Ethan hugged Nikki placing her head on his chest. [color=00aeef]"You know you mean way too much to me for that to happen."[/color] He took a few more seconds to think what he could say. [color=00aeef]"I just know what men are capable of, who knows what the man wants. Don't go falling in love with a stranger, nothing good will come of it."[/color] Nikki searched Ethan's eyes for what she wanted to know. [color=f49ac2]"What happens if I fall for someone I'm close to? What if I already did?"[/color] Ethan was lost for words. [color=00aeef]"You can't say that to me Nikki."[/color] He didn't know where to look. [color=00aeef]"You was just kissing someone else and now you're saying that to me. You know how much you mean to me, you should have told me sooner."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"First of all when I kissed him earlier it was a quick kiss on the lips. I was not prepared for the lusty kiss I got later. I had no idea that was coming. I'm a little worried that he is going to go a little faster than I ....."[/color] Nikki stops and looks away confused and worried and feeling totally exposed. [color=00aeef]"Nikki..."[/color] Ethan paused, he always found it hard to talk about his feelings. [color=00aeef]"Well do you want me to tell you?"[/color] Ethan just looked drained emotionally. [color=00aeef]"You know... I love you Nikki."[/color] That was all he could muster up about it. [color=00aeef]"We... We need to get going." [/color]Ethan ran his hands through his hair in a tired fashion. Nikki cried a little bit harder. [color=f49ac2]"Yes, I know you love me like a little sister....but that's not what I want." [/color] Ethan hated seeing Nikki cry, but he didn't cry himself. [color=00aeef]"Alright." [/color]He took a few more seconds to compose himself and took in a deep breath. [color=00aeef]"I want more as well... I always have." [/color] Nikki looked up, her eyes glistened from the tears and she put her arms around his neck and kissed him. [color=f49ac2]"I love you but you are an idiot. You should have told me."[/color] She laughed and wrapped her arms around him. [color=f49ac2]"So here is my next problem. How do I get my bag out of the car and tell Chris that I'm riding with you?"[/color] She couldn't help the giggling. She just hugged him tighter. [color=00aeef]"I did not think of that..."[/color] Ethan let out a a small laugh. [color=00aeef]"Might not be best telling him about what we've said, we don't know how he'll take it. Just tell him it won't work, I'll stay with you, if you want... Okay we need to go now, we've wasted too much time already."[/color] Nikki wiped her tears away and gave him another kiss. Then she turned and headed to the car. She reached in and grabbed her bag. Chris grinned at her and she looked at the back of the car and did not see Lisa. She had apparently gotten out and Nikki looked back at Chris. [color=f49ac2]"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I didn't mean to lead you on. We aren't going to work out....Rey will be riding with you. I hope that is okay."[/color] She felt bad for getting Chris' hopes up. She smiled to herself, Chris didn't seem to be the kind of guy to stay down too long. She knew he would bounce back. [color=00aeef]"Okay people, let's move out."[/color] That was all Ethan shouted with a smile on his face as he waited for everyone to pile into the truck. Alex was driving ,Kat and Grace were up front. The girl who owned the truck was sitting in back with the rest. Jason was positioned on top of it. He climbed in as he waited for Nikki. Nikki went over to Ethan and climbed up into the bed of the truck with him. Ethan simply nodded at Alex and the man set off down the road, with Chris following them. Nikki sat down next to Ethan and pulled his arm around her. [@belle][@Aerandir][@lpfan]