[@Aintitfun1997][@alexfangtalon][color=lightgreen]Clara Jekyll Moon[/color] The little girl glaring and the dog growling at Vincent caused the darker half smirk at her sister. Raven stuck her tongue out in response making Clara glare in return. God she hated these two. Which was one of the bloody reasons they shouldn't come to the school. At least two of them seemed to know that these weren't good people, granted one of them was a dog after all. Then Alex spoke up which made the girl's stomach sour. Over the year she had considered the older gentleman as a brother. Though in her opinion he was to kind hearted unless the people in the high school was in danger. [color=orange]" Alright. I just wanted to make sure my sister was alright."[/color] the older gentleman said as he set his half sibling down. Raven started to open her mouth only to watch Clara slap her twin then storm down the stairs." I saw that coming. Thank you for taking care of Erin and Clara. The least we can do is help you guys out." The twin girl said with a warm smile as she follow behind the rather mad Vincent. She patted his back, as if he was a baby, humming the guy's favorite lullaby. [color=lightgreen]" Man I really wished I told the counsel the truth. How did you find me this time? Killed a few people for the information? Or did you just decided to stalk me? Nope never mind cause I don't wanna know."[/color] the darker half snared at them as she moved towards the bar entrance in a huff. Once outside the girl sat inside the car.[color=yellow]" Alright can I please see the wound? Plus we'll talk to Alex at the school that way they won't come."[/color] after getting patched up the darker half went up on the roof. [hr] [color=orange]Vincent James McGarth[/color] Vincent didn't want to but he didn't see any other choice. Either get killed by this Alex or by the dog which would cause his men to scatter as well as their leader turning. Both of which was risky since the older man want to live. Then a sudden slap on his check caused anger to flare up. Vincent didn't speak, though the humming and rubbing helped, as Clara walked outside.[color=orange]" At times I forget she's like our father."[/color] " Alright. Let's get out of here. Tyler should have been able to scavenge as much as he could. When we stop you can have half." Raven stated as their men started to gather.[color=orange]" We'll answer any questions you have. I can provide supplies, weapons, ammo, and information of where the walkers are worse. I'm hoping you will at least allow us to stay nearby. And thank you for taking care of her Alex."[/color] with that everyone of Vincent's men got into an a truck and the twins went inside the car with Haru.