Chris was left stunned by everything that just transpired. At first he thought it was all a bad joke, but after realising it was all very real he went back into the car and slammed the door so hard his sister jumped in fear. [color=00a651]"Jesus Christ Chris, you're gonna break the window."[/color] She said while looking at Chris upset. [color=8493ca]"Shut up Lisa i'm not in the mood for your tantrums right now."[/color] Said Chris visibly upset while forcing himself to keep his anger in check. As he started the car he stared at Rey who was sitting on the passenger seat. [color=8493ca]"Not one word you hear? Keep it shut!"[/color] He said to her while revving the engine harder and harder. Once he let go, the Impala stormed out of place. As he was driving down the road, behind the truck, Lisa couldn't keep her mouth shut. [color=00a651]"You know what? I should congratulate you. You probably hit the world record for the shortest relationship ever."[/color] She said as Chris instantly hit the breaks causing everyone, including himself jump out of their seats. [color=8493ca]"Get out!"[/color] Said Chris while opening the door and getting out of the car as his sister followed him. Once they were both behind the car, Chris broke out. [color=8493ca]"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM HUH? I TOLD YOU TO FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE!"[/color] He shouted while raising his arms and lowering them afterwards. [color=00a651]"No, i'm not gonna leave you alone because you're 38 years old and yet you're acting like you're 15. Crying over someone who probably didn't deserve you in the first place."[/color] Lisa said with a sudden change in attitude, while moving her head left and right. [color=8493ca]"Who said anything about crying huh? Do you see tears in my eyes?"[/color] Asked Chris as he pointed to his eyes with his right hand. [color=00a651]"It was a figure of speech dumbass."[/color] Lisa continued her surprising attitude change as she crossed her arms. In the meantime the truck kept dissapearing in the distance. [color=00a651]"Do you even know how old she was, huh? She was probably double your age anyway. Yeah, and i'm 24, that would make her even younger then me."[/color] Said Lisa as her tone calmed down. [color=00a651]"Oh and one more thing. What's with your sudden desire to be a part of a group? We were doing perfectly by ourselves just you and I. If anything happends in the future with any of us, it's on you."[/color] She continued while Chris wasn't saying anything anymore, just standing there with his hands on his hips and looking down. [color=8493ca]"Either way, me and Nikki, were gonna have a very serious discussion. But i'll leave that for when we get to the city. There will be plenty of private places there to talk in. Without any of her stupid friends sticking their noses where they don't belong."[/color] Said Chris as he and Lisa got closer to each other and hugged one another as Lisa rested her head on Chris's chest. [color=8493ca]"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. Everything you said was true."[/color] Said Chris while patting his sister on her head. [color=8493ca]"I did liked the attitude change though. Wish you were always like this."[/color] He continued as Lisa chuckled. [color=00a651]"I was just worried. That this situation will force you to make bad calls. Remember, in this group you're the new guy. And nobody likes the new guy. That's why I decided to keep to myself and didn't even get out of the car. Just ignore them and don't let them get into your head."[/color] Responded Lisa. [color=8493ca]"You're right. As long as we have each other the world can burn. We'll endure, and we'll survive."[/color] Said Chris turning his view to the sky. [color=00a651]"Chris?"[/color] Asked Lisa. [color=8493ca]"Yeah?"[/color] Responded Chris. [color=00a651]"We are way behind."[/color] She said. [color=8493ca]"So what!"[/color] Replied Chris as they both suddenly let go of each other and ran back to the car. Lisa got inside first, followed by Chris who closed the door and stepped on the gas pedal as the car started catching speed. Chris kept shifting gears and keeping his foot on the gas pedal as the car reached 120 mph just as the truck started becoming visible again in the distance.