Welcome to the war torn land Tal'rel ,War has plagued the land for fifty years leaving only death and pain to the citizens of the four waring nations.The four nations Escudo the warrior nation in the northern region of Tal'rel, The nation that is conquering the smaller villages and towns to be apart of their nation. Meche located in the eastern region of Tal'rel is the much poorer nation but have a collaboration with Bravado so they can survive and help Bravado with agriculture and working as low payed workers for construction of homes and palaces for the rich. Silenzioso located in the Southern region of Tal'rel is a mysterious place with most of the inhabaitions being trained in the art of assassinations and being trained to be hitmen or thieves. The assassins hired are mostly hired by the Bravado king for protection of nobles or being hired as mercenaries by Escudo to kill Bravado nobles. The land of Bravado is the richest of the nations located in the western region of Tal'rel. They get most of their riches form the help of Meche workers and Silenzioso stealing vast amounts of money form the Escudo. [hider=Regions] Escudo- [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/338a/f/2015/055/6/a/swamp_city_on_stilts_by_kytranart-d8jd4dy.jpg[/img] Meche- [img]http://api.ning.com/files/-neU2xryJbIs9Mi57OnRIxQHK7wRm6yMakelM*fCY9ThnoqGdQIsjJzdFI-LF6NTFQhTxgyOTHEvW8AeDYGpzUh8LgA2RmNX/other_world_art_science_fiction_fantasy_1440x900_hdwallpaper409538.jpg[/img] Silenzioso- [img]https://cusicusi.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/bookselveseragonfantasyfairytaleforest-afdf843ca28746ae35b3c4cb696c438b_h.jpg[/img] Bravado- [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bf/b8/6c/bfb86c046d8eb3d611cd881c1d56982c.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Days] Days-Lendi-Monday, Madi-Tuesday, Mèkredi-Wednesday, Jedi-Thursday, Vandredi-Friday, Samdi-Saturday, Dimanch-Sunday [/hider] [hider=Months] Janvye-January, Fevriye-February, Mas-March, Avril-April, Me-May, Jen-une, Jiyè-July, out-August,Septanm-September,oktòb-October,Novanm-November,Desanm-December [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Race: Gender: Age: Personality: Bio: Weapons: Equipment: Special Skills: Other: [/hider] [hider=Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9mnOGC1.jpg[/img] [/hider] Special thanks to HopelesRomantis for making the map.