Diogenes' eyes fluttered open, and for a moment he thought all was normal. he saw sky, and thought he had fallen asleep outside, he had done it before. but then the trees, so many trees were around him. and at that moment of panic he heard a voice. "Oh good, you aren't dead human." the voice said in a mean, perhaps childish tone. Diogenes quickly whirled around to see where the voice was coming from, and he saw a large seashell, it was open and a blob-like creature was inside it. the creature grinned, and said. "You must be my minion human, i'm Syakomon!" Diogenes was so confused, and had so many questions, but instead of asking them he just screamed. Screaming was a bad idea, as when he did Syakomon flung itself at him and clamped down on his arm. "Shuddup!" it said, its voice muffled. Diogenes began flailing around in a panic, where was he? what was this thing? were only a few of the questions in his head. "Why couldn't I have just stayed in bed?!" was the one he ended up asking.