[center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hyatt[/color] [/h1][/center] Nikki leaned up against Ethan right up until they started to come into town. She had become a little concerned when the Impala had stopped and she saw Chris and Lisa get out and started yelling at each other. It came back into view again a few minutes later. They were flying so Nikki had a feeling that Chris was upset. She felt terrible about what had happened and she knew it was all her fault. She also knew at some point that she would have to talk to Chris and explain better. Nikki saw the buildings as they came into town she turned around to see the lay of the land and how thick they were on the walker front. She smiled at Ethan and took his hand in hers. There didn't seem to be too many walkers around. Tex had memorized how to get to the town center building. The rec center was adjoined to it. When he pulled up to it Nikki was the first one to hit the ground. She kept her sword out and went up to the building and looked into the window. She knocked and heard the familiar noises of a walker approaching. She immediately backed up and swung her sword at it decapitating it. There were two others nearby she walked over to them and cut them down. She glanced up and saw Ethan grinning at her and Chris looking at her with a grim expression. Nikki went back up to the door and a very pretty woman answered the door with a gun. Nikki was intimidated by how pretty she was. If she weren't secure with Ethan she would have been concerned about this woman but she was older than Ethan. Nikki smiled and offered her her hand. [color=f49ac2]"Nikki Hyatt."[/color] The woman looked down at the girl and shook her hand. [color=f7976a]"Leanne Connor."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Let me get Ethan for you."[/color] Nikki waived to Ethan, Tex was guarding the truck and the people still inside it. Nikki headed straight for Chris' car. [color=f49ac2]"Okay, don't say anything, I need to show you something."[/color] She pointed to Leanne. [color=f49ac2]"The most gorgeous woman nearer to your age than mine and she is not wearing a wedding ring. Go for it!"[/color] Nikki chuckled to herself and waited to see what would happen. While Ethan spoke with Leanne, Nikki kept the walkers down. When there were more of them she nodded to Tex who was paying attention and he helped her while the others emptied their things into the building. Nikki saw Kat and the baby go inside and she smiled. She liked Kat and she adored the baby so she was glad Jason was looking after them. [i]Jason was looking after them? Why would he do that? [/i]Nikki's spidey senses told her that there was more to that story than she knew. Leanne had gotten the leader and handed Ethan off to him. She was not really paying attention to any of the newcomers. Leanne headed back to the tv room and sat on the couch. She was learning not to get attached to anyone. They all got killed in the end she thought so why bother going through that kind of hurt for no reason. [@Josephb][@lpfan][@Kurai Assassin][@Aerandir][@Belle] [color=0076a3]and all of the San Clemente group. [/color]