Hello! Obviously, by the name, it's a re-birth thread of the amazing but all-to-soon-dead RATS thread. Original thread made by the amazing Genni can be found here - http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82270-r-a-t-s-rapid-assault-tactical-squad-1-slot-open/ooc?page=63#post-3477687 - and, well, there isn't much else to be said. It'll be around the same time line, so imports from the old RP are welcome, edits are also welcome as well. Right! I made a CS! Name: Race (Generally fluff, so don't worry to much about it) Age (Mostly also fluff, but no less than 18): Stats: Traits: Power Summary: Free points: Class: There are four classes, Brawler, Protector, Balanced, and Misc. Each has their own starting stats and trait. Brawler starts with 5 ATK, 0 DEF, 10 HP, 6 free points, and the Blazing Assault trait (See Trait Library). Protector starts with 1 ATK, 3 DEF, 15 HP, 6 free points, and the The Wall trait. Balanced have 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 5 HP, and the Versitle Trait, with 4 bonus points to spend. Misc starts with 0 ATK, 0 DEF, 0 Hp, 15 free points, and no starting Trait. All classes start with 10 energy, which can only be increased through traits. Energy regeneration is also increased by traits. As a rule, a trait can only increase a single thing, but good narrative and creative linkage can grant traits additional features. Traits can be passive, or active, depending on the narrative, but Passives usually do not consume energy, while actives do. The Trait Library will grow as you create traits for your character. One Trait costs two points, one stat costs one point, and five health costs one point. Negetive Traits can be made to gain extra bonus points, but how many extra will be discussed amonsgt people beforehand. Actions are: Attack: A standard attack, using your base ATK to hit the target however you wish. Melee attacks can not hit enemies outside of melee range, however, without special traits. Look Around: Forfeit action to scour the battlefield, possibly turning up a weapon, or noticing an advantage that can be explioted. Use Trait: The usage of an Active Trait, expending energy for a plethora of effects, such as increased damage, shattered defense, healing, or the debuffing with Status Effects. Rest: Make no action and try to catch your breath for a moment. Helpful when low on energy. Some skills force this action after use. Doubles energy regeneration Guard: Take a defensive stance and prepare for an oncoming attack. Grants 25% increase to DEF, and can be used after a Non-offensive trait usage - such as a taunt. [hider=Trait Library] Blazing Assault: The user charges forward in a reckless show of machoism and glory, forgoing energy regeneration for a free standard attack. The Wall: The Guard skill grants +50% to the users DEF rather than +25%, and grants the spare DEF - the difference between the users DEF and the enemy's ATK - to surrounding allies against AOE attacks. Versitile: As a free move on their turn, the user can add 25% to their Attack, or their DEF, to better suit the current situation [/hider]