[color=lightgreen]Clara Jekyll Moon[/color] The purr of the engine was what could be mainly heard, at least where the darker half sat on the hood. The only time the purr lowered was when Haru saw either a huge hole in the road or a passing walker. Up here the girl could think without her siblings around. At least for the most part since they decided to travel in the same car.[color=lightgreen][i]" Go figure they would act like lost puppies."[/i][/color] Clara honestly wanted them gone for the safety of the group. Every individual was in danger all because she had lied. Now the most dangerous people of all were now looking to live in the some building as them. The outcome would put innocent lives at risk forcing the mob and the girl's family members at risk. Between walkers and well as each other. One of Vincent men drove right next to them caught the darker half's attention. She couldn't hear what they were saying but the look on the man's face showed he didn't want others to hear. Something Clara could use as leverage later ten to one. It was a surprise when the other car took point adding to a very bad gut feeling. She readjusted on the hood only to hear Haru tapping three times. Mostly signaling Clara to chill before she might get thrown off. Someone stuck out his hand showing where the others where to turn. After a few odd turns both cars stopped at the town center. Two others were by cars, most likely men that belonged to her brother, causing everyone there to be in even more danger. Clara got down yet somehow the mob leader beat her. Already he was going towards them which just shown she was correct after all. After a bit the older man waved to Clara telling her to come. Without arguing she did as the others were seeming to follow behind. Vincent opened the town hall's door just to get a gun in his face causing the darker half to laugh and his twin to shift. [hr] [color=orange]Vincent James McGarth[/color] It was quiet inside the car forcing Vincent to hum his favorite lullaby. His leg swayed to the tune forcing Raven to elbow him in the gut. The child had decided to take the other seat by the window as well as the dog, causing the older woman to squeeze next to her brother. It looked as if the youngest girl of the group didn't either like them or trust easily. This would make things harder for the group providing they would all stay together. He glanced at the rear mirror only to see his men gone. Vincent clenched his hand into a fist only to have Raven tap on his shoulder. [color=violet]" Look like they need to tell you something Vincent. And by the looks of things it's about time to find somewhere to stay at. Know any good hotels Haru? Considering you lived here if I'm right."[/color] Raven stated in a smug voice.[color=yellow]" Okay Raven. Let me just call up the nearest hotel and... Oh wait I forgot the phone lines are down and the undead are walking the streets. I'll have to make sure to put that into my to do list now. Stupid girl."[/color] the young man said rolling his eyes. If was bad enough they had jumped inside the car. Worse now that it seemed they were positive they were in their tight nit group.[color=orange]" Enough children. Haru I would like to discuss why my sister is in the roof when we stop."[/color] with that Vincent rolled his window down. After deciding on where to go his men zoomed in front. Three slams to the roof made the older gentleman to think Haru was just mad about it. After the mobsters waved the teenager where to turn they finally arrived at the center. Vincent show his two scouts as he heard movement on the hood. He was faster due to not wearing a seat belt which usually got Raven in a raged state. The guy jogged towards them only to hear what they said. Somehow they had lost track of the Dana survivors due to walkers in the woods. This made Vincent uncomfortable due to his sibling's safety at risk. Clara seemed to favor knives over guns and Raven liked guns over knives. A problem within itself. The older guy waved at the darker side to come as his twin moved forward as well. The others were told to stay back as the three of them took point. Vincent opened the door only to get a gun in his face. [color=orange]" Looks like the Lone Ranger rides again. Hello Tex."[/color] he said as he heard laughing and shifting behind him." Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Vincent Janes McGarth and Raven Lillian McGarth. Last I knew you were looking for your younger sister." Tex said looking at them.[color=violet]" Our sister is the one laughing too hard. Eventually she'll pass out making it easier to drag her inside."[/color] Raven stated as she looked at Tex with a grin.[color=lightgreen]" Touch me and I'll kill you. I'm pretty sure Erin won't mind if I did. Now are we just going to stand here or go inside?"[/color] with that the door opened allowing everyone inside then shutting closed behind them. [@Kurai Assassin][@alexfangtalon][@Aintitfun1997][@Wick][@LPFan][@Belle][@and everyone else inside]