[center][h1]Night of Death[/h1][/center] [center][sub] A half an hour later[/sub][/center] Fenros stood next to his horse, prepping the saddle bags to his horse, waiting for the others to join them on the hunt that Bobby just recieved for Silent Falls. He wondered where Flint was, but he could take care of himself... He heard horse's coming up behind him as he glanced back to the town to see who actually agreed to go on the hunt. At this current moment in time Mat really disliked horses, especially the one he was on now. [color=ed1c24]"Stop, steady, stop, holy crap you're going to kill me aren't you?"[/color] He asked the horse. Honestly it wasn't really the horse and more of him as Mat wasn't very skilled with using one (and the vendor also probably sold him the worst one). Why did he have to injure his leg? If he hadn't he could've attempted to not get a horse and yet here they were going on a hunt with horses. It was almost heaven sent when Mat saw Fenros on the next street. Finally getting the horse to obey him, Mat strode up to Fenros and nodded his head. [color=ed1c24]"Horses. One of these days I will kill one or it will kill me."[/color] Emiliah had one of her family's horses, a young mare that Emiliah was almost sure was hardly out of colt hood. Spirted, but...untested in battle. She looked over at Mat who seemed to be...doing something with his horse. He might have been trying to lead it...but he seemed to be struggling a bit. [color=bc8dbf]"Don't give the horse any idea Mat, for all he knows, you are Mat the cowboy, master of horses. Frankly, though, my money is on the horse" [/color]She looked over at Fenros. [color=bc8dbf]"Who are we still waiting for?" [/color] Yuri walked along side his horse, which oddly enough had cost him less than the spear. It was in fine health and bore both his weight and his gear's weight with ease. Walking up next to the forming group he patted the beast's neck as it stopped. As the others talked a bit Yuri went about checking all the various ties and straps, and being satisfied with the results he joind the rest of the group, his horse's reins. Looking at the assembled hunters Yuri couldn't help but smile [color=f7941d]"My biggest question is how did you even get on it?" he asked Mat in a semi joking tone.[/color] Elizabeth walked alongside her horse, stroking it's mane and guiding it gently. She had no horse of her own, but she had paid the stable boy a bit extra for one of his choosing. The mare beside her was strong and nimble, and though she had yet to ride her, she was sure she would be a fine companion. She was dressed in her full armor, with her whip dangling on her hip. She had her knapsack on, which contained an extra dagger, a map, her coin purse that wasn't quite as heavy as it had been before the Veela attack, a water skin, and some food. She sighed heavily, hoping this would be a long trip. She was ready to take her mind off of things, and actually prove herself to the rest of the group. As Elizabeth approached, she took a place besides Emiliah. She nodded slightly to the girl, smiling wryly. “So, is everyone excited for the trip?” she asked, looking around and hoping for some eager faces. If she was the only one who wanted to do something, she would be rather surprised. [Color=ff00ff]“Who are we waiting for?”[/color] she scanned the faces quickly, [color=ff00ff]“Flint, Marcus, and I believe his name was Andri?”[/color] Fenros looked to Mat and let out one chuckle. [color=007236]"Better than walking. You get used to them." [/color]He then turned to Emiliah and added, [color=007236]"Just a few others..."[/color] But before he could say who, he heard Yuri. Making the qestion to Mat. He wondered as well, but remained silent as Elizabeth came, and added the people who they were waiting on. [color=007236]"I"m not sure on Flint...I haven't seen him since what happened earlier." [/color] Not knowing what had happened between Liz and Flint.[color=007236]" He might not be coming."[/color] Marcus rode to the group in a trot, his horse's head high and well trained stallion. He had his shield tied to his saddle, a pelt draped over the crest to hide it from sight. He came up to them and reined in his horse, hearing Elizabeth's and Fenros's comment. [color=ed1c24]"Shame, I was hoping Flint would be here. Could use the entertainment along the way." [/color]He placed his hand on his sword's pommel , which was also strapped to the saddle. As his other hand shifted his leather/metal armor. He looked at Elizabeth and noted her full armor....bold, going in full metal armor. Especially with that weapon of choice. Mat nodded his head at Emiliah. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah, I'd put my money on the horse too,"[/color] he admitted. "We got no happy relationships together, and I swear that vendor ripped me off for it."[/color] The horse attempted to take control again and Mat had to yank up. Hearing Fenros's comment he turned to look at him. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah but walking is nice and adventurous and I can trust my feet, not this living thing under me that seems like it wants me to die."[/color] The young hunter had strapped on all his weapons on the horse and thankfully they were still on. If any went down Mat would loathe having to get them with his injured leg. [color=bc8dbf]"Have you tried whispering sweet nothings to it? I find that sometimes helps," [/color] Emiliah held on the the edge of her reighs so that she could get closer to Mat's horse. She reached out to pet its nose, whispering to it [color=bc8dbf] "I know, I know, he just doesn't understand,"[/color] She gave the horse and final pat on the nose. "I think that vender sold you a fine horse," She glanced down at his leg. [color=bc8dbf]"Are you sure you should be on this hunt? Has your walking improved any?" [/color] Yuri chuckled as he once more checked his horse's straps, making sure his scythe in particular was secure on the side, before swinging himself into the saddle. Shifting his weight around the hunter found himself a comfortable position and settled in, walking his horse here and there to test a couple things. As he once more returned to a standstill with the group Yuri adjusted his hat and begain buttoning up he top few buttons of his overcoat. [color=f7941d]"So any idea what were being sent after, or are we simply being sent in blind?" [/color]He asked the group in general. Elizabeth listened as the others conversed, her spirit lifting as they all laughed and enjoyed each other's company. She noted Marcus’ proud stallion, and realized she shouldn't be surprised, he was a Lord after all. She laughed at Emiliah's jests, finally feeling like she had before all the drama had started. [color=ff00ff]“I agree with Emiliah, if that's not a fine horse, I have no eyes.”[/color] Turning her attention to Yuri, Elizabeth nodded at the fine question he had brought up. Maybe she had missed it, but except for a general idea of the area they would be heading, she had no clue what they were doing. [color=ff00ff]“I haven't a clue, Yuri. That's a good question though, what are we fighting?”[/color] She asked the question to everyone, but her eyes were directed at Fenros. Marcus smiled,[color=ed1c24] "Perhaps we have our entertainment."[/color] He sighed and looked to everyone as they asked what they were hunting. He too wanted to know, and looked to Fenros. Surely he knew what was happening, as Bobby told him to go meet him. He leaned back in his saddle as he streched out his back by raising his arms. Fenros looked to everyone and said, [color=007236]"We are hunting a Necromancer. Bobby had just recived word that a town nearby is having graves dug up in their cemitery, the bodies gone. There is a darkness in one of the churches there... we were asked to investigate. So far they haven't seen anything."[/color] He looked to mat and asked, [color=007236]"Are you sure you are able?" [/color] Mat raised his hands up in a mix of defeat and confusion as Emiliah seemed to immediately calm the horse. [color=ed1c24]"Are you kidding me?"[/color] He asked the horse, then looked at Emiliah. [color=ed1c24]"Hell, fine I shall be nice to the horse if the horse decides to be nice to me."[/color] He then heard both Emiliah and Fenros ask if he was capable for helping, to which he made a grin to. [color=ed1c24]"Look, you think you people can just leave me while you go hunt something? Nah, I think not. Besides, my leg's...technically working and I can still stab things. I think I'll be good, probably."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"You should be nice to the horse just because, and the horse will think about being nice to you," [/color] She went around to one of the staddle bags on her horse and pulled out a cloth bag.[color=bc8dbf] "I've got some lobelia. It won't heal it, but at least you won't be able to feel it? Or the damage that you'll cause because you can't feel the pain." [/color] She offered the bag up to Mat. [color=bc8dbf]"...Also...don't let my mother know I have this, she'll find a way to ground me...and don't get it in your eyes. You'll go blind." [/color] [color=f7941d]"A necromancer?"[/color] Yuri thought for a moment [color=f7941d]"Sounds good to me."[/color] He shifted around in his saddle again as Mat made his case for going hunting, which was honestly enough for Yuri, who spurred his horse into a walk to come next to Mat. Reaching out he patted his shoulder [color=f7941d]"Good enough reason for me, ether that or I've just heard enough bad reasons to go hunting that this one sounds valid."[/color] Returning to his neutral state in the saddle, he shrugged his voice once more returning to a half joking state [color=f7941d]"I honestly don't know anymore."[/color] [color=ff00ff]“Oh joy, we get to deal with decaying corpses.”[/color] Elizabeth muttered, much less excited about the trip than she had been moments ago. She nodded a thank you to Fenros, before turning her attention back to the group. Emiliah had pulled out a bag of lobelia, and Elizabeth found herself only vaguely surprised, it was Emiliah after all. [color=ff00ff]”Emiliah, how and where did you get lobelia? Well, I suppose it's useful. Good thinking.”[/color] Elizabeth watched Mat carefully, to see if he would accept the plant. [color=ff00ff]”Shall we ride?”[/color] She asked, straightening and gripping the saddle so she could hoist herself up. Marcus nodded, as they heard that they would be going to be hunting a Necromancer. [color=ed1c24]"Lovely..."[/color] he said, he's hunted some before, creepy as hell. He reached into his saddle bag to check for holy oil. He still had some left over from Flint. He then looked back to the group and said,[color=ed1c24] "Well I agree with Elizabeth, we should ride. We should be in Silent Falls by night fall, and the better that we do. So we can get the lay of the land and some more info on what's going on."[/color] He looked to Fenros, who was still on the ground and waited to see what he would say. He heard teh stories, from Flint and others. It would be interesting to hunt with 'The Terror of Witches'. Mat looked at the 'lobelia' for a little bit, then grabbed it from Emiliah. [color=ed1c24]"Right, just don't blind myself or...tell your mom? I think I can manage to do that,"[/color] he said, opening up the bag. He nodded to Yuri as he rode up to him. [color=ed1c24]"See?"[/color] He asked everyone else. [color=ed1c24]"I got supporters for this."[/color] Mat took out the lobelia and insepcted it for a bit before grounding it up in his hands. Gently swinging his leg up on the saddle Mat slowly loosed some of the bandages for his leg and rubbed the lobelia into his wound. When he was finished, Mat reapllied the bandage and nodded to the Emiliah. [color=ed1c24]"Right, that should do it,"[/color] he said smiling. [color=ed1c24]"Now let's go murder a necromancer."[/color] "Taking this knowing that I don't have to out run the necromancer, I just have to out run you," with that, she climb up on her own horse and took off in the direction of the Necromancer's Church.