Some items for the Glossary [b]Items[/b] [hider=Qxát Tsìçẹtshẹ (Vutsian Gunpowder)] Qxát Tsìçẹtshẹ (Vutsian: Dirt for Burning), sometimes shortened to Qat by non-Vutsians, is Vuts' indigenous form of gunpowder. Qat is distinctive in its light brown, and slightly reflective coloring. The Vutsians first started experimenting with combinations of sulfur, cedar ash, and nitrates around the same time that gunpowder was becoming widespread on the mainland. Believed to be a product of the final, brutal closing period of the Warring Times, Qat exists as an alternative to the more widespread Black Powder. Functionally, Qat is noted to burn slower than regular powder and is powerful as a filler for artillery cannons and rockets. However, it is noticeably much more expensive and difficult to produce and as a result, finds little use except among wealthier armies, with Vutsians selling far more standard powder than Qat. [/hider] [hider=K'òqu (Vutsian Oak)] The K'òqu is a kind of oak tree that has been cultivated by the Vutsians even before their arrival in the Vutsian Isles. The tree is known for its very rapid maturity rate, 1 year is all that is needed before the small tree can produce high amounts of very large acorns, which are harvested and ground into flour for use in cooking. The full grown tree is about as tall as the average full grown Vutsian male (5'3" or 160.02 cm), and can produce 20 Bushels of Acorns in a single month. [/hider] [hider=K'òquhọ Vàs (Acorn Flour)] [img][/img] K'òquhọ Vàs (Vutsian: Child of the Oak) is the staple food of the Vutsians. Created from milled Acorns, the flour finds its use primarily as Acorn Bread or in Acorn Porridge. Vutsians are known to mix the flour with whole oat for texture and added nutrition. As a result, many a Vutsian is nostalgic over eating Acorn and Oat porridge with fruit chunks for breakfast as a child. The Acorn has religious meanings for the Vutsians as well, as the Acorn is seen as a symbol of life, and as a result, it is common for families to leave acorns as offerings to their anecestors. [img][/img] Acorn Bread [img][/img] Acorn Porridge [/hider] [b]Animals[/b] [hider=Forest Eagle] [img][/img] The Forest Eagle is a massive Predatory Bird known for preying on other large creatures that inhabit the Lesser Inhabited areas of Vuts. The Females are larger than the males, with female eagles in the range of 10–15 kg (22–33 lb) and males around 9–12 kg (20–26 lb) and a wingspan up to 2.6 m (8.5 ft). They are are held in high regard and feared by the Vutsians, and as a result, the Vutsians will avoid entire sections of forests out of fear of them. The Eagles are one of Vuts primary apex predators, and their size is generally held to be a result of their island homes. [/hider] [hider=Herding Bird] [img][/img] The Hearding Bird is a primary source of livestock for the Vutsians. Giant animals, they fill a niche similar to mainland Cattle. Vutsians raise them on ranches, and let them graze on insects and grass. As they are frequent victims of Eagle Attacks, the Vutsian's usually keep domesticated Hawks nearby to protect them. These birds are known to be indigenous to the Islands, but it is thought that the Vutsians kept large domesticated birds prior to their migration. [/hider] [hider=Hunting Hawk] [img][/img] Hawks were domesticated before the Vutsians' arrived on the Islands, and are currently used as hunting, herding and companion animals, much like dogs. [/hider] [hider=Snake Bird] [img][/img] Snake Birds are a kind of flightless bird domesticated for hunting vermin. Originally used to hunt snakes, lizards and large insects, they are currently used to hunt rats and other rodents that have come to the Islands with trade. The are effective, and often kept as pets as well. [/hider] [hider=Land Parrot] [img][/img] The Land Parrot is a large bird, domesticated for use as a food source [/hider] [hider=Jungle Fowl] [img][/img] The Jungle Fowl is a non-indigenous Vutsian livestock bird, brought from their homelands and introduced to the Islands. They are a favorite of children, and are traditional for holiday meals. [/hider]