Rey got out the vehicle and tried to catch up with the rest of the group. She eventually did and decided it would probably be best to start trying to make friends within the group. She thought it was best to start with the other girls in the group, they would most likely stick together if things went up shit creek without a paddle. She made her way over to Nikki to introduce herself. [color=39b54a]"Hey, um thanks for taking me in. I know im not from the States like most of you guys but i do appreciate the help."[/color] she said trying to hide the scouse accent so that Nikki could actually understand her. She knew that most of the group would dislike her being around. Why wouldnt they, it was another extra mouth to feed. Something that most groups wouldnt be able to do. what with food being scarce in these hard times. [color=39b54a]"Look, if you need me to do any jobs for you guys, just say the word."[/color] [@Wick]