Chris eventually caught up with the group as they reached their San Clemente destination. They stopped in front of a recreational center as Nikki imidieatly got out and and went all samurai on some walkers. Then she opened the center's door only to discover quite a sizeable number of survivors hiding there. As Chris got out of the car, followed by his sister and Rey, he saw Nikki coming to him but before he could open his mouth to tell her that they need to talk, Nikki opened her first and basically threw in his arms this new woman that she just talked to. As Nikki walked away, Chris balled his left hand into a fist as he slammed the top of the car easily. Then he bit his fist for a second and let go as he leaned on the car, crossing his arms. [color=8493ca]"This girl is really trying my patience."[/color] Said Chris as he was giving Nikki grim looks. [color=8493ca]"She probably thinks i'm some kind of man whore or something."[/color] He continued as he took out his balisong and opened it with a couple of swift moves then closed it again. [color=00a651]"Be a team player but don't let them get into your head. Keep your cool!"[/color] Said Lisa as she went to her big brother, wrapped her arms around his right arm and leaned her head on his elbow. [color=8493ca]"Yes mom!"[/color] Said Chris as both he and Lisa started chuckling. Once everyone started taking their stuff inside Chris put the balisong back in his pocket and went to the trunk of his car, taking a backpack and going inside as his sister followed from behind with a duffle bag in her right hand. Once inside the center, Chris started surveying his surroundings and the survivors that the group just ran into. He liked observing people, see how they are, how they act, before he makes any moves. Nikki was an exception. One that will never happen again. He got fried for the last time. Chris was looking around for a gym. He wanted to release the negative energy that gathered in him lately. After about 5 minutes of looking around he finally saw what he was looking for as he went inside and put his backpack on a bench. He then took out his leather jacket and his t-shirt, remaining only in jeans and boots, opened a pocket from the backpack and slipped out a pair of [url=]grappling gloves[/url]. He had them from a gym that he and his sister took shelter into, some time ago. He thought they may be useful. He didn't had any tape so he put them on just like that, going to a punching bag that was nearest to the bench and started punching and kicking the punching bag, with each hit the strikes getting more and more intense, as his sister put the duffle bag next to Chris's backpack and sat on the bench observing her brother. [color=00a651]"Yeah, that's sure gonna help with all that anger."[/color] She said smiling. [color=8493ca]"It does dosen't it? I feel better already."[/color] He said chuckling as he stopped for a second and looked at his sister. Then continued with the strikes on the bag as he started making some moves too like jabs, uppercuts, roundhouse kicks and spinning heel kicks. Chris wasn't a fighter but he knew some stuff as he often trained with a friend back home just for self defense and to stay in shape.