[center][h1] [color=f7976a]Leanne Connor[/color] [/h1][/center] Leanne handed the clipboard back to the guy who she was covering for and headed to the gym. There was an aerobics/dance room right off of it. She figured that things could happen to fix the Zombie thing so there was no reason to let herself go. She stopped by her room and put on her exercise clothes. Upon entering the gym she saw a man doing some boxing and MMA moves and a woman watching. She had to walk by them to get to the dance room so she got to get a better look at them. She smiled at the girl whom she guessed was in the 24 or 25 age range and was not wearing a wedding ring. The man caught her eye more. He was a little older than she was she figured and he was very handsome and in great shape. She looked away in case she was staring. Leanne had caught his attention and she felt awkward to see him looking at her so she slowed the pace and smiled. [color=f7976a]"Hi, I'm Leanne. Are you guys with the Dana Point group that came in earlier? The one with the sword weilding young woman and the two people from England. I met Nikki, Ethan and Rey. I thought Nikki and Ethan make such a cute couple." [/color]She looked at the expression on Chris' face. So did Lisa. Lisa said, [color=39b54a]"They are brother and sister not a couple."[/color] Leanne shook her head. [color=f7976a]"Oh no, they are a couple. She said so. They even got a private room."[/color] Leanne felt the anger coming from Chris as he started hitting the bag again even harder. She figured it out and became annoyed. Leanne looked at Chris and put her hand on her hip. [color=f7976a]"You liked her didn't you? You know she is maybe half your age."[/color] Chris glared at her as he hit the bag harder. [color=f7976a]"Oh come on! You can't have thought that would work out. Her maturity level is twenty years behind yours. In my opinion you should stick to the 30 and older group. You would have a lot less to worry about because we are done playing games."[/color] Leanne shook her head and mumbled [color=f7976a]"men"[/color] under her breath and continued to the aerobics room and set up a mat. Within a few minutes there was music coming from the room as she began her exercises. [@lpfan][@josephb]