
[b]Player Name:[/b] Drewvonawesome

[b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] Thor Odinson

[b]Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):[/b] Hero

[b]Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?):[/b] The Avengers, Asgardians and Midgardians alike

[b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] Thor Odinson was the sole son of Odin, king of Asgard. From the start he was thick in the privileged life being the son of royalty.  He had the finest clothes, the best hand crafted weapons at his disposal, and the adoration of the town.  As such growing up Thor had the ego that matched his growing strength and skill in combat. However there was always something that kept the young lad's pride from overtaking his common sense.  His younger brother Loki.

While he never understood until years later why Loki wasn't as liked in the kingdom as he was. Thor looked up to his younger brother in a lot of ways.  Loki's use of cunning in combat was seen as a hindrance and making up in physical weakness.  However Thor always admired it, having never been the brightest himself admittedly.  He studied it and tried to incorporate it into his own battle style to success.  It was that, plus all the adventures the two would have that Thor loved about his brother.  He wasn't even phased when he learned the truth, he saw no reason to see Loki as anything less even if his blood wasn't the same as his.

However after the fateful night Loki lost to Eltri and was mocked by all of the people of Asgard. A night Thor was about to come to his brother's aid when his father strictly forbidden him from doing so. Thor saw the slowly evolving change in Loki.  The bitterness and hate growing even as Thor tried to subdue it by having Loki join him on quests and journeys.  Hoping to rekindle the fun they had as kids.

When of a proper age Thor was given the hammer Mjolnir by his father that was made by Eltri. He loved it and it quickly became his favorite and most cherished weapon.  Though soon after Loki went into exile and after being found was put into torture for as long as he lived.  Again Thor, realizing what it all meant, still remained helpless to do anything about it.

It was soon after Ragnarok occurred, the twisted damnation of blood and horrors that Thor found himself in the middle of.  It was in the midst of this battlefield Thor and Loki finally found themselves face to face.  Thor tried in vain to bring some sense of reason to Loki but his brother was gone.  The battle was chaotic and violent, however when Thor finally had the chance to end Loki and bring the madness to a stop his love for his brother made it impossible.  It was from that moment on Thor escaped the collapsing Asgard kingdom through a mix of luck, desperation, and a selfishness that bothers him to this day.  He lost Mjolnir in all the insanity but the situation would have left him dead if he hadn't.

When Thor found himself on Midgard he was left without so much as a rhyme or reason to exist.  Instead with nothing but a name he took to journeying the world the Midgardians made for themselves.  It was a fascinating and humbling experience for the now former prince.  From hiking across the plains of China ,working as a carriage handler in Victorian London, to crazy enough working as a roadie for ABBA.  Thor has seen just about everything the world has to offer.  Finally he settled down in a small cabin out in the wilderness of the area now known as Montana.  He would from time to time journey out to various nearby small towns for whatever essentials he needed but mostly kept to himself.  Staying off the grid of the growing world around him with only a basic idea what was happening around him.

When SHIELD were keeping an eye on Tarene in her destructive quest for Loki's head.  They came across an unusual reading that led them to finding that there was an Asgardian hiding in rural Montana... 

Season One Summary: Thor began has he had been for the last how ever many years since the fall of Asgard, in hiding.  In a remote cabin in Montana, Thor was discovered to be living there by SHIELD who sent Loki there to speak with him.  However nobody realized it was actually Thor, believing it to be some random Asgardian.  The first meeting between the brothers went surprisingly peaceful however given their past.  Thor and Loki able to speak to one another about the events and although Loki didn’t want to officially consider Thor a brother yet, Thor felt good about the future between them.

When Loki brought Thor back to New York City with him, Thor was on a quest to find and reclaim his beloved Mjolnir.  Which was in the penthouse office of Tony Stark at StarkTech HQ.  With Stark having just been seriously hurt from it at the hands of Tarene.  Thor reclaimed Mjolnir and now is looking for the first big adventure as Thor, son of Odin and God of Thunder.

[b]Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?):[/b] Being of both Asgardian and Elder God ancestor.  Thor possesses strength, invulnerability, stamina, and speed.  Though the most notable thing about Thor is his weapon of choice, Mjolnir.  With it Thor can levitate and fly by throwing it and holding onto the handle and control of weather in particular lightning.

Ever since Thor started living his life on Earth, Thor has been able to adapt and learn plenty of new tools.  From iron forging, leather work, caring for horses, cooking, farming, to countless other things.  Thor has a knack for plenty of different tasks.  Though even with seeing it grow around him Thor still hasn't quite figured out modern technology.
Sample Story Arcs:[/b] The first and naturally the easiest is trying to rekindle his relationship with his brother Loki.  Wanting to believe that Loki is a changed man, but naturally having his doubts.

Thor wants to see a re-birthing of Asgard and goes on a journey to do so.

Meeting a wonderful young woman in Jane Thomas, Thor has to decide if he can continue being the mighty warrior, or finally settle down.

Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue):[/b] Midgard's alcoholic brews just never quite satisfied him quite like the Asgardian beverages.  The kind of 1000 year old fermented masterpieces of booze that a mere mortal could only possibly barely handle.  Still the occasional beer did its job to soothe away any woes he had at that moment.  

The cabin he had made for himself all those years ago still sufficed perfectly.  Aside from the rare kids who would come out to it, because of some stupid myth it was haunted by the ghost of a crankily old man.  Thor didn't really have anyone bother him and he was perfectly fine with it.  The house had only just gotten electricity to come to it, but aside from a refrigerator and some lights Thor didn't really have much else.  The one time he really tried to watch TV it just made him annoyed to the point he broke the TV punching it, and the internet... that library still won't let him back.

As Thor finished the last of the bottle and not having much else to do at the moment got up from the old couch to get another beer.  Carelessly tossing the empty bottle into a trash bin with a small 'clang!' emitting from it.  Thor opened up the fridge to find aside from random small dishes he had made for himself recently.  The fridge was practically hollow in its emptiness.


Thor sighed annoyed as he flipped the door close, throwing a jacket on over his beat up t-shirt and jeans to go get some things in town.

Thor always felt weird doing these sort of things everyone around him seem to never really think about.  How back all those years ago he'd never one think to get something himself, the Asgard kingdom had more than enough people there to get him something at his slightest whim.  As Thor grabbed a case of Samuel Adams, he thought for a moment about that, and its sad but natural course into what had happened to his home.  It seems like a day to day wonder if he should hope Loki is alive or dead.  At least dead he might finally have made peace with the nightmare he caused.

"Ugh Loki, you're making me shop at a grocery store.  You are an evil prick..."  Thor just weakly joked under his breath as he stopped and looked around the store.  Trying to remember where the bologna was.