[@LPFan][@Wick][@alexfangtalon][color=lightgreen]Clara Jekyll Moon[/color] & [color=skyblue]Erin Hyde McGarth[/color] Clara walked away from the two men talking with Haru on her heels as always. This never bothered the two sides mostly due to a crush both had on him. This was one of the few things they both agreed on as well as the twins. The girl stopped at the center's door leaning against it as she closed her eye. By the time the young man caught up the personalities switched. Erin opened her blue eye and smiled as she raised her wounded arm, regretting the motion right away.[color=skyblue]" Please tell me it was another hunting accident Haru and it wasn't a bullet. Even if you have to lie to me it's all good."[/color] the girl ask in a worried tone.[color=yellow]" Through and through like usual. Clara cut it a bit too close this time. Apparently she knew you would want to save the kid from Dana Point so she played the distraction. Good news is I asked her out and she said yes. Great news is I'm still dating you two no matter what."[/color] the young man said with a smile while holding out his hand. [color=skyblue]" You're lucky you're cute Haru. What else happened? Did Ollie get to be counsel member?"[/color] the lighter half asked trying to get information while taking his hand.[color=yellow]" Yep. Alex is our leader and your siblings are sadly alive, well, and here with others."[/color] the young gentleman stated in a serious tone.[color=skyblue]" Let me guess Alex might let them come with us. It's not surprising since they are determined to keep the three of us together. We'll just avoid them like before. Vincent is smart and will eventually leave us alone."[/color][color=yellow]" Key word is eventually. As far as I know we're using this place as a pit stop. I was just about to ask for a blanket or maybe a room inside. Want to come with me?"[/color] Haru asked with a grin. This caused Erin to blush as she nodded yes. Just when they got to the center's front door Raven cleared her throat.[color=violet]" Whatcha doing? Since we got the kid back to someone from her group why not get going again Erin?"[/color] the older girl said in a rather rude tone.[color=skyblue]" It's up to Alex about whether we stay or go Raven. Just be happy he brought you two along and keep quiet. I don't want to get thrown out because you mouthed off to the wrong person."[/color] with that said the young sibling opened the door and walked inside to get away from the twin. They eventually found someone which they were told to find someone named Leanne. The couple split up to look for her faster. [hr] [color=orange]Vincent James McGarth[/color] After a while of talking to Tex Raven returned their way with a pouting face. This caused both men to chuckle before she snapped.[color=violet]" Our sister is inside with Haru and your just standing there like it's no big deal. If your just going to let her do whatever she wants then why don't we just leave?"[/color] she stated in a huff." Might be she's used to the other two. That Haru fella seems to be a good match for Erin. Though I want to ask if there's something wrong with her eye Vince." Tex said in a concerned voice.[color=orange]" Erin is a real life Jekyll and Hyde Tex. She has her mother's dual eye colors. Outbreak must have forced her BPD to act as two different personalities. Give me time and I'll talk to her."[/color] [color=violet]" Alright. I'll go answer Alex's questions then."[/color] the sister stated as she left.[color=orange]" Heard you guys got hit hard back in Dana Point. I'm sorry about your loss man."[/color] Vincent said sincerely." Can't be helped. Death today is pretty common it feels like. Now I know why soldiers have post traumatic stress after coming home." This statement cause the gentle hearted guy to look back at his friend.[color=orange]" Yeah it's hard seeing your bothers in arms die. I used to hate hearing guys around you screaming watch out but now I miss hearing it. Dying from either human violence or natural causes you come back as a walker. Being scratched or bitten will turn you too. Makes you miss the overpopulation of humans. Excuse me Tex."[/color] Tex nodded as the older man left towards the building. It took a while but Vincent finally found Erin in the gym. There was two others inside already but he was more focused on talking to his sister.[color=orange]" Erin can we talk for a bit."[/color] the girl sighed as she looked at her older brother.[color=skyblue]" What do you want Vincent? If it's about Haru the answer is no. Like it or not I'm keep my boyfriend. Raven was being rude and I was being honest. Now then since we don't have anything else to talk about I have to go.[/color] with that the lighter half turned on her heels and walked towards Lisa and Chris.[color=orange]" Would you just stop! I'm trying to talk to you and you're ignoring me!"[/color] he yelled out loud in an angry tone towards the teenager.