[center][h1]Flint and Coraline[/h1][/center]
[center][sub] just shortly after the main group[/sub][/center]

Flint  and Coraline made it to the castle not long after the others entered  it. It was dark, and the moon was ominous behind the tall dark trees  that surrounded the old church, as if it blanketed the air around them,  making it darker and heavier than it really felt. Flint shivered.  "Well... charming place." he said to Coraline as he pulled his bow into  his left hand. He noted the horses left behind by the main group and  guided his horse over there as well, slipping off his steed quickly and  silently, leaving the horse unteathered, as he always did. 

He  took a few steps towards the church when Mishka pawwed at her nose. [i]  I don't like the smell from there... do we have to go in?[/i] she  whined as she crouched low to the ground, her ears down as well. 

"Don't be a scared y cat." He said looking down at Mishka. 

Mishka glared up at Flint and stood up straight again. [I]I'M NOT A CAT![/i]

Coraline  looked up at the structure. The churches to the far east were quite  different. Despite them being devoted to the same deities, the  architecture was always a product of the land. She felt a shiver run  through her spine, making her clench her teeth, [color=steelblue][b]"Well I can assure you  this place is filled with magic. I can feel it."[/b][/color]

The  knight climbed off of her horse and stepped up to the doorway to the  church. She drew the long sword at her side and slowly stepped in. The  door creaked and groaned as she pushed it. As she exhaled, she could see  her breath. Coraline looked back to Flint, [color=steelblue][b]"You can use your bow in  tight corridors, yes?"[/b][/color]

A  weak gust of wind blew by, taking some leaves and blossoms with it.  Coraline couldn't help but notice that things seemed to be grayer  outside. Dark magic had its effect on places and Coraline had seen  plenty of it, but the sight always made her uncomfortable. [color=steelblue][b]"Stay behind  me."[/b][/color] she stepped fully into the dark church.

Flint  looked at Coraline as she mentioned the place filled with magic. He  only nodded as they made their way to the dark church. Once inside  Coraline asked if he could use his bow inside. "Yes I can." Unlike most  archers, Flint had learned to how to fight in close quarters, with his  bow, and even shooting within five feet if needed be. 

As  they slowly walked through the main chapel of the church Flint looked  around for signs of battle, having found none it made him slightly  uneasy. It was strange that the main chapel was left perfectly alone.  The fact Coraline said "Stay behind me." Was a slap to his own pride. He  was the one who was supposed to say that to the pretty women. He took a  breath about to say something about it, but realized... she was the one  with the sword, It only made sense. 

He  found a torch on the ground and lit it, handing it off to Mishka, as  she held it in her mouth, He could not hold it for it would hinder his  ability to even fire a bow, and had trained Mishka to do this for him.  Despite it being low to the ground, it gave off enough light for them to  see within ten feet. 

"Well  this isn't creepy..." he said softly just loud enough for Coraline to  hear him. He pulled an arrow from his quiver and knocked it easily, but  did not pull the string back. They came to the fork in the road, the  stairs, crumbled now had a plank in place to make it up the stairs.  Mishka sniffed around and mentioned [i]Emiliah went left, Fenros and  Alltia went downstairs, Marcus went left, and Elizabeth went up.  [/i]Remembering only those scents. 

He  then said to Coraline. "The group split into four groups here. Most  likely to clear the church room by room." He looked at the ground to see  if there was any other clues...of course there were not any. "Where did  you want to head to first?"

Coraline  looked to the paths laid out ahead of them. [color=steelblue][b]"Necromancers prefer  secluded and secure spaces. We should head lower, below the church."[/b][/color]

Coraline  didn't waste any time, in fact, she didn't even wait for Flint to try  and argue it. She felt that if he was as good a hunter as his family was  out to be, she wouldn't have to worry about his positioning. Coraline  took a deep breath and headed deeper into the tainted church. [color=steelblue][b]"Flint, tell me what your friends look like before I make any hasty decisions."[/b][/color]

Flint  raised his bow slightly to be ready, He doubted that there would be  anything left if they were following Fenros...he was usually pretty good  at clearing witches dens by himself. He looked at Coraline as she asked  what his friends looked like so she didn't accidently kill them.  "Um....Not dead?" He said with a slight chuckle. "Fenros, my brother  looks like a bear with a massive sword, and a white wolf with him.  Pretty hard to miss. Emiliah is a tiny girl with a big spear, and bigger  attitude with brown hair, Elizabeth has blonde hair and carries a  whip." He didn't want to talk much about her... " Marcus, well he has a  gotee, short blonde hair and usually carries a shield and sword." 

Alyssa  smiled from the alcove,  soon the trap would spring and she'd finally  be rid of the 'hunters of Seren's folley'. None of them noticed the  runes she'd secreted amongst the rubble,  she'd successfully masked the  scent of her own blood from the damnable wolves the Digards kept as  pets.

As  the last hunter made their way inside she completed her spell.   Darkness gathered around the ruined cathedral.  It continued to darken  untill the old stone ediface could no longer be seen.  With a scream  from the pit and a whiff of brimstone light filtered back into the  area.  The cathedral though?  It was no longer there.

[color=0054a6]"Surely  Lorelai will favor me if I continue what she started."[/color]  Alyssa  sighed as she stepped out into the fresh air.  She gazed around the now  empty field.  With a chuckle she continued towards the castle she'd  recently heard about.  [color=0054a6]"Murder my family?  I'm fine with  that,  but try to kill the Dragon at your own risk foolish  hunters."[/color]

Alyssa  let out a wry laugh.  [color=0054a6]"Poor Digards,  their infant god  has no power in the inferno."[/color]  She twirled manicly as she  walked  [color=0054a6]"There are older things in the darkness than men  or gods,  they speak to me,  and I command them."[/color]

Alyssa  stooped and removed a ruby coin from her pack.  She placed it in a ring  she'd made of salt.  [color=0054a6]"Charon,  you've your offering now.   Make sure they don't make it out would you?"[/color]  She laughed  again.  "The lesser demon's should serve,  but I do like to be sure  after all."

"Oh  sweet sister,  soon we'll meet.  I just want to stand in your shadow,   and feel its chill in my heart once."  Alyssa sighed.  "Then you'll do  with me as you wish."  With a grin she disappeared into the treeline.


As  they moved down they found their first corpses on the ground. Already  killed.....again. their bodys ripped in half as if with a cleaver, or  skulls bashed in. "Definitely my brothers handy work..." he said  softly. 

Coraline  took a moment to inspect the corpses. She heard Flint mention her  brother and clenched her teeth, [color=steelblue][b]"I see your brother isn't exactly an  advocate of a clean kill."[/b][/color]

Coraline  stepped further into the room and looked around. [color=steelblue][b]"I'll admit, your  friends are quite thorough. But just in case, we should alert them to  our presence instead of stumbling upon them in the dark."[/b][/color] Coraline  looked to the wolf holding the torch, [color=steelblue][b]"Would your brother recognize your  hound's howl?"[/b][/color]

Flint  smiled slightly, not seeing her clench her teeth. "Fenros is more of a  brawler/warrior rather than a Knight. He is a freak of nature when it  comes to his strength, and uses it to his advantage. Besides his sword  is not the best to use down here." He said as an after thought. Which  would make sense for the more crushed skulls than cut bodies. 

When  she mentioned having Mishka howl to gain the attention of their fellow  hunters he thought about it for a bit. He was one who didn't really  annouce his presence, being more for the silent surprise type. But he  didn't have the advantge here, and most likely the way was clear. So he  looked down at Mishka and took the torch from her mouth, "Not my  brother, but his wolf would. You heard the lady, let Alltia know we are  here." 

He  didn't bother with the fact that Alltia would inform Fenros, who it was  exactly...or how Mishka understood what they were saying. Mishka took a  breath and raised her head, A loud howl came from her throat. Flint  should have been used to it, but with his hightened hearing from his  curse, and that they were in tight corradors. It was painful to hear as  it pierced their ears. 

After  she stopped, a few moments passed, maybe thirty seconds of silece.  Then, another howl could be heard, it was eriee and far off in the  distance. Flint actually understood the howl, and Mishka didn't need to  translate for him. "They are in the deep catacombs Currently fighting."  He said as he moved forward after giving Mishka the torch again, He  raised his bow and readied himself as he passed Coraline taking point.  They came to corners and splits in the hall, Mishka would tell him which  way to turn. 

Coraline  ran after Flint, so much for a formation. Her armor had weighed her  down and it didn't help that she had been travelling for far too long.  The darkness of the corridors and the growing gap between the two of  them wasn't helping things. [color=steelblue][b]"Flint!"[/b][/color] she called out, [color=steelblue][b]"We need to stick  together! Don't run too far ahead!"[/b][/color] she wasn't sure if he had heard her.

"It  is too late," came a voice from the shadow  as a hand reached out from  wall itself, gripping onto Coraline's shoulder, holding tight  enough to  cause the metal to screech and collapse in the shape of a claw print .  "He, or rather you, are already gone,"  And the world started to spin   droping until the corridor vanished and a room with dusty red curtains  covering every wall appeared. "And I want to play a game," 

Before  Coraline could react, she was taken away. She looked around the room  and studied the curtains before hearing the voice talking of a game. She  clenched her longsword's grip. She wasn't as fearful as one would  normally be in such circumstances, magic had a weakened effect on her  and she was expecting a lot of it. [color=steelblue][b]"Then I hope you're a good sport with losing."[/b][/color] Coraline spoke out to the ominous voice.

Flint  turned around as he felt a cold breeze, and the fact that Coraline said  don't run too far ahead. He didn't think he was, he was walking slow  for her to stay up. He felt a sudden chill down his spine when he did  not see her behind him. He pulled back his bow and yelled "Coraline!?!?"  He heard only his echo before continue "Where are you?!" He started to  back track where he came from, his bow at the ready the entire time. He  stopped when he knew he passed the last spot where he saw Coraline. 

"Damnit!"  He cursed as he lowered the bow and lessened the tension on the string  as he spun around again. He then wondered if he should look for her, or  continue down. He calmed his breathing and stood there, in silence as he  tried to hear Coraline's footsteps. He heard nothing. 

Cursing  himself again he turned and began to run towards Fenros. Mishka running  ahead of him to sense any danger, which there was none. Of course,  because Fenros was well..Fenros.