[center][h1][color=0072bc]Ethan Blackledge[/color][/h1][/center] The group had finally gotten into a town centre after a five or ten minute drive down the road. The town obviously showed signs of decay now with all the roads cracked with weeds starting to grow all over the place. Most of the buildings had started to become run down with most of windows smashed open, probably after people had started to loot from them. There were a few buildings that looked in better conditions though, and that was were Nikki had wondered off to. Ethan had popped his head into one of the buildings but it was completely abandoned and the elements had completely destroyed the building. After a few more minutes Nikki had shouted him over, saying that she’d already found a group that were in the recreation centre and wanted to talk to Ethan. As he started to hurry off in the direction, Ethan was surprised that they’d already found another group. As he entered the building, a woman a few years older than him but very attractive took Ethan the see the leader of the group. Ethan thanked her as he walked into an average size office room to see a woman in her late 40’s, sat at a desk. [i]Jesus, this group’s a lot more professional than Dana Point.[/i] Ethan thought. The leaders there would have never sat behind a desk, in an office. Dana Point didn’t even have an office, only houses. [color=0072bc]“I’m Ethan.”[/color] He simply said waiting for her to reply. The woman still hadn’t looked up yet, she was reading something, but Ethan couldn’t see what. “So… Where are you from then?” The woman finally replied in a husky voice, probably from years of smoking, still looking down at the piece of paper. Ethan didn’t know whether she was just curious about where he was from in England, or where he’d been for the passed year. “[color=0072bc]Well I’’m from Leeds but I’m guessing you don’t really care about that. I was with a group with about a hundred people at Dana Point.”[/color] Ethan paused for a few moments. [color=0072bc]“We was overrun by a massive horde of Walkers… A few of us managed to get away and we’ve ran into a few people in the past day as well.”[/color] “So you’re planning on staying here?” The woman had started to right something on a separate piece of paper now. [color=0072bc]“I’m not sure yet, I need to speak to my group first.”[/color] Ethan simply said. “Well you better go and discuss then.” All Ethan did was nod as he started to leave the room, before he left though he turned around and said, [color=0072bc]“Are you prepared for a horde? They’re probably coming this way and I doubt it will be long until they get here.”[/color] He waited for the woman to reply and after a few seconds she put her pen down and then looked up. “We’ll be fine.” Ethan didn’t bother to reply to her as he left the room. [/i]What a bitch.[/i] Ethan thought to himself as he started to walk back to the group. The main person Ethan wanted to discuss it with was Jason, the man seemed like he had a plan, but he hadn’t said anything yet. Ethan wondered out of the centre looking for Jason, but before Ethan could track down Jason. Some more cars were parked up next to the truck. He noticed Tex talking to a little girl, he couldn’t see her face fully but the hair looked familiar, [color=0072bc]“Lia?”[/color] Ethan spoke up, smiling.