After Jason left to speak to whoever was in charge of this place Kat walked through what she assumed was the living quarters to try and find an empty room for herself and Grace. She really hoped they wouldn't have to share. She liked her space and plus she didn't want strangers near her baby, just in case. There were a lot of crazy people out there who had lost their shit once the walkers had started appearing. These people could be psycho cannibals or religious nuts for all they knew. Grace had started to cry again but this time it was in pain. Her little gums were swollen and hurting. Kat dropped the bag to cuddle her. [color=7bcdc8]"I know sweet love,"[/color] she cooed gentle rubbing her back. [color=7bcdc8]"I know it hurts. I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry-"[/color] "Just fucking wonderful. We got noisy strays coming in now?" a snide voice commented. Kat looked down the hall to see a greasy looking short thin man who looked like the poster child for a ratty conman. "I hate kids," he snapped. "Where the hell did you two come from? Were you given permission to stay here?" Kat's temper went from zero to boiling in an instant, but the rational part of her brain told her she couldn't cause bodily harm when she had just arrived here. "You deaf or something? I asked you a ques-" [color=7bcdc8]"Your voice irritates me more than your face and your smell, so do yourself a favor and shut the hell up,"[/color] Kat told him. To her surprise he laughed. "Mommy's got teeth huh? Well hate to burst your bubble Mommy but you and that noisy brat ain't staying here. You're a liability." [color=7bcdc8]"Is that determined by you?"[/color] Kat asked in a dangerous voice. [color=7bcdc8]"Because if you have an issue with me and my baby you can take it up with her father. And if you say another word about my baby you can take it up with me. Trust me, dealing with her father is the better of the two options. Now get out of my sight."[/color] "Well you're a nasty bitch aren't you?" [color=7bcdc8]"Yes I am a bitch, a bigger one than your mother was and with bigger balls than you or your daddy. Use that feeble brain and learn something : don't screw with me."[/color] The man slunk away after that, like a weasel with his tail between his legs. Kat took a deep breath and turned back to Grace, who was chewing on her own fist in an attempt to try and dull the pain in her gums. Kat dug through the bag to find her teething ring. It was bright yellow with a smiling orange cartoon lion at the bottom. Kat wished she could freeze the thing somehow, something cold would help numb the pain, or some baby Orajel. She would kill for some baby Orajel.