[@Aerandir][@Belle][color=orange]Vincent James McGarth[/color] Vincent stayed quiet as he watched Ethan go in front of the woman and girl. His eyes quickly flick at his sister then back in time to see that Camyillia was gone. The man's arm was suddenly gripped causing his focus to shift towards his twin.[color=violet]" Well it was worth a try. A pleasure to meet you two."[/color] she said as she watched them leave.[color=violet]" Well that was a waste of time. I'm starting to get worried Vincent."[/color] Raven stated in a worried voice. This cause the oldest to chuckle receiving an elbow in the ribs by the woman.[color=orange]" Sorry. I just found it funny that your acting like a worried mother. Looks like your older sister instincts are working. There's not many places she could be Raven."[color] he stated. Before the twin could counter one of their men walked up towards them then saluted.[color=orange]" At ease Henry. I would like your report before rounding up the men."[/color] Vincent said as the man did as he was told." The place looks secure though they seem to not understand the word quiet. As for the horde Will and Jack said they're coming. Better to move out these people soon sir." The guy said as he waited to complete the instructions.[color=orange]" Noted solider. I want four men off the lines. I want the eight to pair up and keep watch. Dismissed."[/color] the guy saluted his leader once more then left. [color=violet]" Awe. The big bad mobster has a heart after all.[/color] Raven teased. The leader just stayed quiet until the men arrived.[color=orange]" I want you four to get up to those windows. I don't want any walkers sneaking up on us. We'll be looking for Erin. Dismissed."[/color] he order them.[color=orange]" Let's go and find our sister."[/color] Vincent said as he exited the gym. It was a while before them stubble on the aftermath of a fight. Though the people were starting to get up while making threats towards people. This caused the older sibling to hit mumble something under his breath, before being forced to move on by his sister. [hr] [color=skyblue]Erin Hyde McGarth[/color] Erin and Haru just listened, not taking what the woman said to heart, before she seemed to calm down. The young man snicker when Kathryn mentioned that they were apart of this group causing the young girl to elbow him in the stomach.[color=yellow]" Sorry about that. We're not apart of this group Miss Kathryn. Ours is inside the high school here. We just came here for the night after saving a kid from Dana Point."[/color] he said while rubbing his stomach. The teenager was about to say something before a sudden voice caused her to flinch. She turned her head then sighed in relief to see it wasn't the devil standing there. As they talked the light side could only think of one solution to this problem. [color=skyblue]" I hate to say this but I think I know where the bad vibe is coming from. To make things worse they maybe the only solution to this problem."[/color] Erin said with a disappointed look towards Haru.[color=yellow]" No way are we going to get those demonic twins involved. Vincent is pure evil and Raven is no better. Besides the point of dodging them is not seeing them at all."[/color] he stated while violently waving his arms.[color=Orange]" She was a fishmonger, and sure t’was no wonder. Oh. So this is where you were hiding. Hello."[/color] Vincent said making his half sister glare at him with her opened blue eye.[color=violet]" That's rude Erin. Didn't dad or your mom teach you better?"[/color] Raven said as she stopped beside the oldest.[color=yellow]" This should be good. I wish we had some pocorn now."[/color] Haru said as he sat next to Kat then rubbing her back trying to comfort her. [color=skyblue]" As I said before my family is dead. You two are just trash the guy left behind. Now than can we start making a deal or do I have to bring Clara out?"[/color] the girl said with a smirk.[color=orange]" I'm disgusted you would say that to your older brother. With that said what kind of deal are we talking about?"[/color] he said seeming to have fallen for it completely.[color=skyblue]" Kathryn, Grace, and her people get to stay here with your men for protection. Since Alex, Haru, and I have to stay hidden due to complications with the group already here. As a reward I'll bring you along and vouch for you with the council. Though you will be guarded along with Raven. Deal?"[/color] the lighter half ask while the other girl shook her head.[color=orange]" Deal. Miss please make a list of things your child needs. Since I'm guessing you're running low on things. I'll let two of my men know your under our protection. Raven please talk to the man in charge. Anyone wants to go with me?"[/color] Vincent kindly said to Kathryn while hinting he wanted Jason to come.